Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Chocolate Christmas Story!

Here is a great powerpoint to remember Jesus when you eat your next chocolate. If you cannot open it or your internet is tooo slow, I've typed it out below for you.
Blessings to all. Have safe journeys and a great festive time.
Christmas Assembly 2006 compiled:  The Chocolate Christmas Story
Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem along a Rocky Road.
They became tired on the journey and needed a a BOOST, so Joseph decided it was time to stop for a PICNIC.
When they arrived at Bethlehem the only place to stay was a stable full of Furry Friends where the Baby Jesus was born.
That night in a field near Bethlehem some shepherds where minding their sheep. It was so cold that the grass was Crunchie. As they were watching their sheep they were kinder Surprise by some angels who told them to go to Bethlehem and see this newborn King.
Meanwhile, in the east there were three Smarties or wise men who were studying the stars of the Milky Way when they saw a huge star. They first thought it might have been the planet Mars, but it wasn't. They followed the star. When the arrived at Bethlehem they entered and presented their Bounty of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
That night, the three wise men had a dream in which God warned them that King Herod was up to his old twix so they returned home without telling him about Jesus.
You see, Christmas is more than Santa, Reindeer and Snowflake. It is more than having lots and lots of food to chomp on. We can get into so much of a twirl to organize Christmas we forget what it is really about.
This Christmas we need to take some Time Out and remember that the best thing about Christmas is JESUS.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Newsletter Vol 7 - 2007

Hi Family


Here is my newsletter with pics of new place I’ve moved too. I've also been blessed with a scooter to get around with; I will get it as soon as I have my license. I renewed my ARC, but I’m waiting for the Foreign affairs office to stamp it. Yesterday they said I must wait to two weeks, the communication between offices are so confusing at times. Please continue to pray for the visa offices. Thanks.


I went to visit friends and church in Tainan  last weekend as friends are going on holiday to South Africa and it was my church's anniversary. It was awesome to see hands raised of people who are willing to grow in God and answer the call for missions, planting churches fulfilling the great commission. Amen!


The weather is changing drastically here, it's affecting to my chest, so I don’t go out late night and drink cold drinks or food is a big no-no for me at the moment.


I'm excited about what God is doing and will keep you updated.


Love and blessings



Friday, November 23, 2007

Island Dance


The Mission  Xtreme team danced at one of our friends wedding in a Taiwanese restaurant.
They use different dances to meet different people for the glory of God.



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Creation video clip

I found the following video clip extremely touching and thought i'll share it with you.
It shows that God created us and how the world(Satan) deceive us and lure us quicker to death.
We have to make the decision to give in or stand against the devil's schemes and win with Jesus by our side. Who do you choose?


Monday, November 19, 2007

UofN Workshop 2007 in Taiwan

September 3-9th,07 we had an awesome time with God giving us new vision and refreshing purpose in what He wants us to do. God uses people from different cultures and groups in an awesome unity together sharing the gospel in different countries. has more updates and at this time made the sessions available for download.


Mission Xtreme Team - dances

Our Mission Xtreme team with YWAM Taoyuan has been using different dances to glorify God. God uses the different cultural dances to reach different cultures and age groups. We use Island dances (Samoan,Tahitian, ....), hip hop, chinese and indigenous dances. Here is a short introduction to some of the dances we did during the UofN Workshop 2007.
YWAM Taoyuan

Monday, November 5, 2007

Gospel Cartoons clips

Here is some thoughts backed up by scripture. Thanks to the artist(Mike Waters) creativity it can be more understanding and visual for some people. Great work, well done.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Who is I Am

I Am

While praying one day, a woman asked, “who are you, Lord?”


He answered “I Am”

But who is I Am? She asked


And He replied


I Am love

I Am Peace

I Am Grace

I Am Joy

I Am the way, the Truth and the Light,

I Am the Comforter

I Am Strength

I Am Safety

I Am Shelter

I Am Power

I Am Creator

I Am the beginning and the End

I Am the Most High


The lady with tears in her eyes looked toward Heaven and said, “Now I understand, but Lord, who am I?”


Then God tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered “You are Mine”


Monday, October 29, 2007

Base Day 22/10/07


Wow, It was the first time after the Taiwan Staff Conference that we got together with the Taipei base again and just chilled, caught up with each other, shared lunch and then the fun & games began.

I unfortunately ran myself out of breath with the soccer games and took the rest easy.  It was awesome to take such a break. Check out the pics at the following link. I'm the one pointing at all the stickies on my face and orange T-Shirt.





Saturday, October 20, 2007

UofN Workshop September 3-9th,07

These are just a few pics our workshop. Go to for more pics, the audio plenary sessions and video's. It was a great time where God sharpened our vision and praising God together for all He's done in Asia.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Newsletter Vol 6 - 2007

Here is an update of July up to now. It's been so hectic, that when the business calm down you just want to fall asleep.

God has been amazing though in preparation, provision and GRACE.  I praise God that He is our only strength when we are weak.Amen.

Love all of yall. Blessings.


Friday, August 3, 2007

Newsletter Vol 5 - 2007

Thing happen so fast. God is faithful all the time. We don't always see and understand His purposes for us, but He does. Jer. 29:11.

Praise God my fees have down tremendiously. I have 1 month of house-sitting left before I move back to the base. September is an exciting busy new month here in YWAM Taoyuan and in my life.

Thanks to all who have been praying and supporting me in all kinds of ways. Please read the newsletter.

Blessing to all.

Adele Liebich

Taoyuan City in Taiwan


Follow the link!!

Here are some pictures of my new (since September 2006) home town called Taoyuan City. Tainan had a lot more historical places seeing it was first city in Taiwan. Taoyuan on the other hand does not have such deep historical meaning and places to it. I still have to explore, I would have to travel to the subburbs to see more beauty spots.

Right now I'm happy to have a park, river and mountain with trails in close fascinity for a change of scenary. That's enough for me. I got a bicycle to ride around and working on getting a drivers lisence. God has been blessing me and suprising me greatly. I can't stop praising Him for all He is doing.

well, I got to run. Blessing yall.




Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Prayer needed

Hi Yall

It's been such an awesome weekend to see old buddies and new friends wanting to learn more about Jesus. I visited my church there and shared my joy and work in YWAM for all to see the big picture. I Thank God for the blessings of prayers, encouragements, smiles and finances. It was great to visit Tainan. I have so many homes now.

Here back in Taoyuan we are preparing for the UofN (University of the Nations) Workshop that we are hosting from September 3rd - 9th,2008. You are welcome to visit the UofN website to find out what its all about. I would need my fees of $70 USD or     2 297 NT (Taiwan dollars). Please pray with me for all my finances to come in soon.

In short, it will be a great time of sharpening our vision, to hear God and His plans for the future as all YWAMers get together through GENESIS link from four different countries to worship God.

  1. Please pray that all traveling here would get their visas approved and arrive safely.
  2. Pray that we would hear clearly, stepping boldly in obedience according to His word.
  3. Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.
  4. Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries in Taiwan sent out.
  5. Please pray for all finances to come in as God is our Father and we trust Him. He has all the riches in the world.

Stay hungry for more of God always!!

Blessings to all.

Adele Liebich, your missionary in Taiwan


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Newsletter Vol 4 - 2007

July has been quite a chalange for me, teaching English Camp in the morning, then lunch and straight into computer learning as our previous computer tech friend is visiting two weeks and I need to pick his brain as much as I can.

Then I've doubled my exersice time with walking Bingo twice a day and I new it will be challenging and stretching in the physical area. So, all in all I've overworked myself in some areas and rested in others.

God is good though all the time and I'm glad that I could say I did not get too stressed out myself or for the people around me.

Please read the newsletter attached for prayer requests and needs. Thanks for your time.



Adele in Action

These are the various areas of ministry I work in YWAM. You can imagine so much more, but remember I'm trying to balance me time. As long as my heart is in the right place, I can have fun doing them and so much more.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

English camp .wmv

My first English Camp in July 2007 here with YWAM Taoyuan, Taiwan. We had so much fun. Bless you all.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back up a bit and catch up.

Hi yall

Here is my first Newsletters when I joined YWAM sharing the different ministries and my DTS time. Those who want to back up a bit and catch up with my life in YWAM 2006 are welcome to read these. Thanks for being such great friends and stay in touch.

Much love


Monday, June 25, 2007

Owen & Jeannie Wedding

A wedding with a difference half chinese and half Island style out in the sun. What a lovely day it was and a priveledge to share it with my friends.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Time flies by.


Our DTS school students have finished their lecture phase and will be leaving for outreach in the morning to south of Taiwan. This team will mainly be doing English Camps, dances and dramas. Many of them has seen God do great things in their lives and suddenly the last couple of weeks been pulling them together to work in unity.

They seem excited to go and step in obedience to God. Pray with us that God will bless them in all they do and protect them wherever they go.

Many blessings



Friday, June 15, 2007

Newsletter Vol 3 - 2007

 Time to catch up. This letter was ment to be out in time for Mother's day, but as we say, "Rather late than never."

So, I would try to write as often as I can in the blog apart from the Newsletter every two or three months. I see yall are very busy yourselves as I get very little response and that's ok, I get busy too, know the feeling.

I pray that you find the time in your day to read a bit more.That you are able to find some catch up time with your buddies, and count your blessing  instead of getting stuck in working mode and no time for yourself. For satan will try his best to keep us apart from each other. Let's keep the unity in God.

Love in Christ

Adele Liebich



Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Do we always realize how blessed we are.
I started counting my blessing since I'm  often wrapped up in the busy routine of the day.
See how many things you can say thank you for or add to the list.

I'm blessed to have:

a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in.
a clean shower with hot and cold water
clean water to drink
clothes on my body
food to eat
a love for people, helping wherever I can
a bicycle
a phone and/or computer/or a camera
the capibility to walk, run and jump
five senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hands) all working in its full capicity
an unexpected hug or smile
air to breathe
and so much more.............

So, even though I might not have all the money in this world to buy everything I desire, God has blessed me with so much more. Focused on my NEEDS , then on what I want.

Matt 6:33 says: "First seek the Kingdom of God and then all righteousness shall be added unto you."

 I thank God daily for every little blessing he gives us.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Global Prayer Day 27th May

On 15 May 2005 millions of Christians from 156 nations in the world united in the first ever Global Day of Prayer. Christians gathered in different venues, seeking God's face in repentance and prayer for the transformation of their communities and nations.

Driven by Hab. 2:14 ("For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea"), the dream is to mobilize Christians from every single nation in the world to participate in the Global Day of Prayer over the next few years until 2010. However, the focus is not only on a single day of prayer, but to see a lifestyle of prayer established that will transform communities.

On Pentecost Sunday, 4 June 2006, an even greater number of Christians from 199 nations joined this mighty move of God.

On Pentecost Sunday, 27 May 2007, the nations of the world will once again unite in the Global Day of Prayer.

Here are some things to pray for as pastors and leadership are preparing and fasting for the big day.

The prayer meeting should be held in a neutral venue and be accessible to the whole community. The venue could be anything from a sport stadium, school sports grounds, open land, auditorium, tent, prayer house, town hall, church building, etc.

Cities and densely populated areas can host several Day of Repentance and Prayer events at the same time, instead of one major event. This will simplify logistical arrangements, keep costs down and help to get buy-in from the local communities.  

Pray for the venue for the Day of Repentance and Prayer, also keep in mind the weather, start/finish time of the event, availability of public transport, number of people expecting, etc.

Pray for good sound system. 

Here just some do's and don'ts to keep in mind and pray along.


o    The Lord Jesus Christ, and Him alone must be lifted high.
o    The focus of the day is Repentance and Prayer.
o    Speeches & messages should be kept to a minimum.
o    Titles of those participating/leading from the stage are irrelevant.
o    No great names should be promoted or used to draw people.
o    The process must be Non-denominational, Non-racial and Non-political.
o    The Organising Committee should be representative of the community.
o    “Middle of the Road” songs, choirs, bands, etc. should be used in the program. Try to accommodate as many denominations, churches and communities as possible.
o    Invite the community/political leaders to the event, but without a platform to address the crowd. 
o    Positioning of the stage is important (sun, speaker visibility).
o    Have a Plan B ready (in case of rain and/or strong wind, etc.) 
o    Always strive towards excellence
-    Program content
-    Sound system
-    Time keeping

o    No political speeches.
o    No marketing of individual ministries.
o    No selling of CD’s of performing artists.
o    No non-Christian activities.

Let's all stand together.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

MAMA presented by the Mission Extreme Team of YWAM Taoyuan.
Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there. We as children appreciate your love and affection in our lives.
God bless you.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Taiwan at it's best.

Here is the theme song and some of the main attractions of Taiwan. To get a real taste of Taiwan you would have to visit at least 3 or 4 weeks.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

South Africa

Hi guys

Here is just an experiment making a movie from a power-point presentation of South Africa.
I sometimes use the power point when schools or someone asks me to share about South Africa.
Please note that this contains only a few of the many pics in the photo album, it is not the same.Check it out.

Love in Christ
Adele Liebich

Monday, April 23, 2007

South Africa

Parts of this album I've used as presentations during teaching or just sharing on South Africa in Taiwan. Have a memory of places you might have been to or have a peek on what South Africa is all about.

View of Cape Town, South Africa

Here is a climps of Cape Town.

The famous mountain is Table Mountain and these are some views of it.

Enjoy the view.

Attachment: Cape_Town.pps

Mother's Day event in Taoyuan on May 5th

Hi everyone

There will be a huge Mother's Day event on the 5th of May in Taoyuan. Although Mother's Day is the second weekend of May. Pray that it would be fabulous day with fabulous weather.That mother's would find healing and peace in God and appreciation from their families.

Many churches are involved and is doing 24/7 prayer for the next two weeks until the event.

Please pray along and remember to appreciate mom, she is the best jewel God created, much loved and sought for. I thank God dailly for blessing me with a great mom such as mine uniquely meant for me. Your mom is there for a good reason.

Love to all.

Adele Liebich

Thanks mom


Friday, April 20, 2007

Newsletter Vol 2 - 2007

Hi friends

Here is my latest newsletter, next one will be faster.

Keep your head up facing God, never loose focus and go for it.



Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Nicole Kirkwood has joined Multiply

Just wanted to let you know that Nicole Kirkwood has joined Multiply! Send her a welcome message when you get a chance -- her user ID is nicolek

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Deborah Chiu has joined Multiply

Just wanted to let you know that Deborah Chiu has joined Multiply! Send her a welcome message when you get a chance -- her user ID is 710823
Thanks for joining. see ya later

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...