Sunday, December 2, 2007

Newsletter Vol 7 - 2007

Hi Family


Here is my newsletter with pics of new place I’ve moved too. I've also been blessed with a scooter to get around with; I will get it as soon as I have my license. I renewed my ARC, but I’m waiting for the Foreign affairs office to stamp it. Yesterday they said I must wait to two weeks, the communication between offices are so confusing at times. Please continue to pray for the visa offices. Thanks.


I went to visit friends and church in Tainan  last weekend as friends are going on holiday to South Africa and it was my church's anniversary. It was awesome to see hands raised of people who are willing to grow in God and answer the call for missions, planting churches fulfilling the great commission. Amen!


The weather is changing drastically here, it's affecting to my chest, so I don’t go out late night and drink cold drinks or food is a big no-no for me at the moment.


I'm excited about what God is doing and will keep you updated.


Love and blessings



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