Thursday, July 26, 2007

Newsletter Vol 4 - 2007

July has been quite a chalange for me, teaching English Camp in the morning, then lunch and straight into computer learning as our previous computer tech friend is visiting two weeks and I need to pick his brain as much as I can.

Then I've doubled my exersice time with walking Bingo twice a day and I new it will be challenging and stretching in the physical area. So, all in all I've overworked myself in some areas and rested in others.

God is good though all the time and I'm glad that I could say I did not get too stressed out myself or for the people around me.

Please read the newsletter attached for prayer requests and needs. Thanks for your time.



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2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...