Friday, March 14, 2008

Taiwan National Staff Conference 2008

Hi everyone

Here is a link to a slideslow i made of our National Conference 2008 we had last weekend. I find smilebox so easy for those of you who don't have big blogs or simply just want to send pictures easy via your email. I tried it out to give you an example. I'll put photo's on this multiply aswel.

The Conference was refreshing, encouraging each other as staff working all over Taiwan. The first night we had our YWAM Global Prayer day with A Lifestyle of Repentance as topic, it was great to see God lead us and move amongst us. The following days we had different speakers sharing what God had for this time and the topic was clearly to Refresh our Passion to Evangelize  as we looked at our goal and the current statistics.

For me personally, it was encouraging as I'm learning the language more now and meeting more people it surely is exciting to share the gospel.I want to do it more. With the KKI camp coming up in July, I'm excited to see what God wants to do in and through me.

Please keep praying for the desire to know God in peoples hearts.




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