Friday, March 14, 2008

Newsletter Vol 3 – 2008

Hi everyone



Things are well, thank you. Spring or shall I say summer is coming out slowly now; it chilly one and hot the next.

Having my scooter since February, I have been able to expand my territory in Taoyuan and take my roommate for sight seeing one time to 2 towns (Yingge and Sansia) nearby. The pictures are on multiply. We ended up at the Hakka Museum where we got to know more about the Hakka tribe and their god (earth god) they believe in and how we could recognize the idol statues and stuff along the roads. Praise God!! He is good all the time. 


Yes my roommate Kara from Canada arrived and we are getting along very well, we are enjoying the space in the apartment and cooking experience together, rearranging this in the apartment making it homey to both our taste. She’s been a blessing. I’m excited to see what God is going to do in and through our lives in the next year.

Here is a link to a slide-slow I made of our National Conference 2008 we had last weekend. I find smilebox so easy for those of you who don't have big blogs or simply just want to send pictures easy via your email. I tried it out to give you an example. I'll put photo's on this multiply aswel.

The Staff Conference was from the 7-10th March 08. It was refreshing, encouraging each other as staff working all over Taiwan. The first night we had our YWAM Global Prayer day with A Lifestyle of Repentance as topic (the prayer letter is separate on my multiply page), it was great to see God lead us and move amongst us. The following days we had different speakers sharing what God had for this time and the topic was clearly to Refresh our Passion to Evangelize as we looked at our goals and the current statistics. We also had fun and games on the beach on Saturday.( called the Challenge). If you wonder why you don’t see much of me in the pictures it’s because Sugi and I were taking the pictures and I did the PowerPoint’s (computer stuff) working in the background.

For me personally, it was encouraging as I'm learning the language more now and meeting more people it surely is exciting to share the gospel. I want to do it more. With the following preparation, I'm excited to see what God wants to do in and through me.

Planning and preparing:

 1. KKI  Our KKI team will be starting to communicate with churches now prior to camp; preparing things and improving what we can with God’s grace for the next camp and we hope to see International teams involved in helping the youth to find their gifts and God-given call on their lives. The next KKI camp  is 1-11 July 2008.

2.  MEDIA       I’m backing up last years pictures and trusting to have things arranged much better for 2008.

3.   CHINESE   Studying the language in order to share the gospel with the local people.

The next DTS starts March 27th.



Global YWAM Prayer Day.  This link links you to the letters, resources and results of the Prayer days.  or on my site  


Thank you!!!   I do not know who has been financially supporting me thus far. It has been anonymous, but I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to cover all my cost of living here. My budget is updated for you to see my  needs. If God leads you in your heart to become a partner for His work in this ministry, please feel free to contact me or unanimously deposit it in my account below.  May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again. Amen!


Love to all in Christ Jesus.


Adele Liebich


Prayer Request/s (Please):


*Please pray for the visa offices. For God’s favor and easier processing. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries in Taiwan sent out.

*Please pray for Missionaries and their finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness. For His awesome Provision for future needs like: food, finances, support.

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*To enjoy the training in media and learning new programs.

*Please pray for the desire to know God in peoples hearts.

*Part time learning Chinese language.

God is faithful.     Blessings to you all.

Adele Liebich


Update on finances:


A  Digital camera

Mac laptop for media


Monthly costs:


Our place  is rent free till July 2009. Hallelujah!!!

Gas for shower etc                                       400NT

Electricity and water                                    1700NT

Food                                                               4000NT

Petrol                                                             2000NT

Medical aid                                                     662NT

Telephone and internet together              1500NT

Staff fees (saving for next conference)     500NT

Cell phone                                                      500NT

International phone cards                           600NT

     Totals  11860NT divide R5 =R 2 372.



To those who’ve supported me this far!

Thank you for your Encouragement, finances & Prayer – GOD BLESS YOU Abundantly!!


I Challenge You…


1.To come visit us at YWAM Taoyuan and see how we live and share with others.

2.To Support me in Missions through

      Prayer & Finances

3.To live on the Edge- Come & do your DTS!! (Discipleship Training School). Its only 5 months.


Isaiah 6:8

 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


My Bank Details:


Name of Bank: Chinatrust Commercial Bank

Account Name: Adele Liebich

Swift Code: CTCBTWTP

Account Number: 059540209451







  1. Hey Adele! Great newsletter. You are good at summing things up quickly. My newsletters always become such huge long essays. I am about to check out the smilebox link.
    Good job!


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