Thursday, July 21, 2011

Newsletter 4 - 2011

Dear Friends

Wow, time certainly flies by.  I’m writing this letter with some difficulty and much mixed feelings. This is my last letter from Taiwan as I’ve come to the end of this season and time in Taiwan. There has been much laughter, goodness, hardship, and growth in these last seven years.

During June, I sorted many pictures and helped with preparations for the camp. July during camp I was reminded how Great God is, we started the first camp in 2009 with about 30-35 participants and staff and grown to over a 100 all together during this Gateway camp in July and 20 young people continued on outreach in Taipei and Haulian serving others.
We had participants from 3 different Tribes in Taiwan, a few church groups and missionaries kids. I said I’m very expectant of what God would be doing this year and He did surprise me indeed. God touched young people’s lives in amazing ways; such a deeper level in their walk with God. Many healings and reconciliations took place. One of the teachings was about returning to their first love. The main theme was Go, Partner and Serve (GPS) as a ship follows a radar to keep it on course, we were reminded how God is our direction and guidance to stay in the truth and to keep the 10 commandments.
Even though my main role was photographer and driver, I was amazed at the number of young people that approached me asking for prayer or the moments where God guided me to give a word of wisdom.  (See the slideshow on my blog for a visual glimpse of what God has done).

 Next step……
I will be leaving Taiwan July 26 arriving in JHB on 27th. I will be taking a year break from full time ministry to recover from burnout and later build a better support team for God willingly another season in Taiwan or where He leads me.
I just want to thank those who felt touched by God to partner with me for the work of the Kingdom in Taiwan on a monthly basis. It has freed me to minister and to bless others, unfortunately it has not been enough and as God leads me in the future to build a better support group, I’ll keep you up to date on my blog about future ministry.
 Please let me know if you can walk with me, or want to continue to walk with me in this journey of recovery doing much less ministry than the last 7 years but never forgetting the Kingdom work at hand. My bank details are provided in the sidebar, or email me for more details.

My latest newsletter is uploaded on the Lighthouse Family Church website. You can also read my newsletters on my personal website –

Please Pray for….re-entry time in SA, recovery time, a suitable job. Thank you so much.
 Bless you                  
My new contact number:
 My cell number changed for those who sms me from time to time to +886936865608 till i leave Taiwan. ONce in South Africa +27722765999

New office address:

P.O.Box 105 - 249 Taipei,
Taipei City
Fax: 886-2-2820-6708

My NEW cell:
+886936865608 till I return to SA.

New home address:
111-4th Avenue,
Newton Park,
Port Elizabeth 6045

Bank details:

Bank: ABSA Newton Park
Br Code: 632005
A/N: 140 8181 131

My Schedule:

July 26 leave Taiwan
July 27 arrive JHB
July 27 Aug 7 JHB
Aug 8 Port Elizabeth


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2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...