Sunday, July 17, 2011

Newsletter 3 - 2011

Dear Friends

I realize there were some who felt the last letter was too much detail, so here is an edited version written in a much better frame of mind.

  It has been extremely busy since my return to Taiwan with much to organize for my return to South Africa, brutally sorting, packing and sending stuff home.  It always takes time to settle into the pace of Taiwan after visiting South Africa and with only two week before starting at the office made it crunch time to get over jet-lag, etc.  There were a lot of personal things that needed to be attended to before my return, so I have been diligently sorting through these. However, it all came together, Praise the Lord.

  My housemate and friends prayed for each other and called me to share word with me. They confirmed the new season, needing recovery. My tears of sadness will be the fertilizer for a new garden (season), new active life, (new awakening) and kids ministry. This was confirming and encouraging at the same time.

Just before I started work, there were many parades and noise with the Dragon boat festival for what felt like two days straight and then temple puppet-shows for the rest of the week till midnight. So, I often find myself praying during those times, as it is after all a spiritual battleground.

 As I’m going through the previous Gateway Camp photos I’m remind how Great God is, we started of with the first camp with staff from the 6 different nations and our Taiwan local staff and 30 odd participants from 6 different Tribes in Taiwan, namely, Paiwan, Tayal, Taruku, Bunon, Puyuma and the Amis tribe where some destruction of villages were caused by the Typhoon later during outreach that year.  Last year I helped out one day driving the shuttle bus getting camper to site and was amazed at how the numbers have doubled. So I’m very expectant of what God will be doing this year.

My upcoming schedule is shown in the side.

Financial Support
I really do need people to partner with me in the work of the Kingdom in Taiwan on a monthly basis. This frees me to minister and to bless others. Please let me know if you can walk with me. My bank details are provided in the sidebar, or email me for more details. My latest newsletter is uploaded on the Lighthouse Family Church website. You can also read my newsletters on my personal website –

Please Pray for….
sufficient funds to cover me expenses in Taiwan, camp fees.

Camp participants to be touched by God in a new way.

Finances for ticket home, new camera or fix my current camera.

Bless you


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