Friday, November 27, 2009

YWAM Taiwan Taipei Dan Shui Ministries

FMS Oureach

Start:     Dec 14, '09 03:00a
Location:     Yilan, Gaunfu, Taitung, Taoyuan and Danshui

SBS (School of Biblical Studies)

Start:     Mar 23, '10 03:00a
End:     Dec 18, '10
Location:     Danshui

Newsletter 7 - FMS news Nov 2009

FMS (Family Ministry School) in Taiwan!!

Hi everyone. Wow, God is good all the time. I apologize for taking soo long to get new to you. Hope you understand after reading this one.

I moved to Taipei ( see new address above) on September 9th and started a huge adjustment time, I though it would be easy, only to realize that with all the leadership changes in the last year it has been overwhelming. I needed to spend much time alone with our Father and soak in His love. Needed to rest in Him and rekindle my passion in/for Him.

Family Ministry School started on September 11th with orientation and sharing of expectations. Classes have been great fun, eventful and informative. It has challenged me in some areas and then reminded me of how & where we struggle as families and how God sees/intended a family.

Topics thus far has been:

Geno-grams, Birth Order, Personalities,
Differences and emotional wounding, Dysfunctional families, Family systems, 7 Shaky foundations, How men & woman are different, Parenting styles to name a few. Our graduation will be on Dec 11th 2009, then we have the big outreach till the end of December.

November 4th-8th most of the class student and all the staff went to Taitung for our Midterm Outreach, we did visitations, teachings, dramas and testimonies. Here is more details of our fun filled awesome experience.

Nov 4th Wednesday

6am up, eat, pack and go for the MRT to meet the team.
I started the day excited, enjoying the train ride, bonding with team mates, karaoke, most of all taking pictures along the way of the beautiful nature and cultural scenes. Upon arrival we had a meeting regarding the rest of the day’s schedule, chose our rooms, unpacked and then as we were leaving for the school to meet the principal regarding tomorrows program, coming down the stairs not realizing that they are all different widths, sizes and at a slant, I happened to be the one slipping down a couple landing on my hand and backpack hurting thankfully only my back all over again and not my bud. We went to the school and then back to the church where we had a lovely dinner awaiting us.

By 6pm we got together for prayer and divided into our groups and left for home visitations (similar to small groups sharing in songs and testimonies) till 9:30pm. I felt lost in translation, but try to just focus on God. Back at the church we relaxed, write journals every night and then get ready for bed.

I was challenged a lot in the area of language barriers (my lack of Chinese, team forgetting or taking long to translate and then remembering we’re among the Amis Tribe with their own dialect), and lack of delegation and communication, forcing flexibility to be the name of the day. So, I learn to wait and see what happens.

Nov 5th Thursday

Wow, we woke at 5:30 if not earlier, I had my oats drink and waited for the meeting to start supposedly at 6am. I could feel the consequences of the fall on my back, especially between my shoulders. So I took it easy today and the team has been very helpful any numerous ways. Praise God!

7:30 am set up at school and do program for grade 1-6 about 65 students, and it went very very well. Everything flowed very well together. With the slight changes in the skits we were able to be flexible and reach people of all ages. Straight after that back at the church we joined the elderly folk (Community service), Swen awesomely did ice breakers with them and then we joined them in some games. It was fun. Yes, I know I tried to joined as much as I can physically, took it easy taking photos as I enjoy to capture memories and I still feel apart of the team.
Lunch followed straight after the games. I ate and went to have a ten minutes rest flat on my back. 12:30pm we left for the roadside coffee shop with an awesome view the coast, surfing waves and a small port. It reminded me of back home just listening to the water and relaxing with a drink.

We got back about 2:45pm; I went straight to bed and had a rest till 4pm when the team met, discussing the evening program. Dinner followed by debriefing of the day, encouraging each other, and prayer for the evening program starting at 7:30pm -9:30pm. Group 2, lead and taught on the five love languages. It was fun and interesting, interactive with the locals. It was like having a laughing exercise. My Language challenge is getting easier, flexible.

Nov 6th Friday

6- 7 Prayer walk, 7am breakfast, 9-10am visitations,
11:30 lunch followed by rest/ homework
4pm team meeting evening program, 5pm dinner, 6pm debriefing
7:30-9:30pm evening program for elderly on personalities and dependence on God.

Woke at 5am, prayer walk 6-7am, breakfast, divided into 3 groups and return to the same area to do house visitations. My group went to a house sharing and praying with an 18yrs boy who is recovering from a vehicle accident, with both broken legs and I broken arm. We encouraged and prayed with him, his mom and grandma and exchanged Skype id’s to keep in touch. I’m glad I went with Zalau for translation purposes, as he can speak the Amis tribal language and English very well, so he was able to translate for me into mandarin or Amis where needed.

Upon return we had time to rest, some slept, some played the Gagol games, I played one game and then had a nap till we had lunch at 11:30am, my group(1) met afterwards to discuss the teaching for the evening, once the program was set, I was released to rest while the rest discuss the skit in Chinese (I’m not involved in that skit). I had a sleep as having my back horizontal helps.
4pm student meeting informing everyone about the evening program and then the skits groups practice. 5pm we had a lovely dinner, 6pm debriefing of the day thus far and the events for the evening. Tonight we split into 2 teams; one team did ministry at another church and one at the church we are visiting. We had a break and then went to setup for the evening program in the church. I handle the power points and photos most the time and help wherever else I can. Background admin is where I serve best I guess, so it seems.

Tonight’s program we did the biking skit with some minor changes to relate to the elders and their current setup in this area. It was great time teaching personalities and trusting, dependence on God. We finished about 9:20 and had another quick meeting to prep for tomorrow’s open-air ministry. Shower clean up time and get ready for bed.

Nov 7th Saturday

7am breakfast, 9-10am visitations then go to the water running upwards till lunch
11:30 lunch, then a quick stop at church to get the equipment for the 3-4pm Coffee Shop program. We had a short program followed by sharing individually afterwards. Four people gave their lives to God. I did not initially appreciate the way I was elected to share testimony/ explanation of the sin chair skit, but God obviously used it mightily. Availability is all He asks, after seeing the fruits of sharing and being apart of the program I’m glad I could help.
4-5pm we went to another shopping area, dumpling place, Joyce and I shared with one lady, the bracelets in her shop started the conversation, we were able to encourage her as she is a baptized believer. We used the bracelets and by giving it freely as a friendship bracelet, we were able to sharing the gospel individually or in small groups. 5:30pm dinner at church, followed by (6pm) debriefing, planning and prayer for the evening schedule.
7:30-9:20pm evening program for youth Grade 6-12. Split team and one team taught at another Church. I stayed here.
9:20 Team met for cleaning and tomorrows schedule, dividing of teams for the children and youth services and then the actual church service. Our group cleaned the bathrooms, such a humbling job and then I finished downloading the pictures and prep for tomorrow. We got bed by midnight.

Nov 8th Sunday

6:20 up and clean up, up covering bed, sweep etc.
7am breakfast, 7:15 devotion by John
8:30 Kids and youth services in separate rooms
Darryl and team sharing at another church till 9:30am they got back about 10ish.
9:30-11:30 Church
11:30am pack the van and go to the train station where lunch awaits us.
1:22pm on the train, enjoy the ride, and try to finish book, got some sleep, everyone was out like a candle sleeping, except for John and Darryl, then we just relaxed chatting, reading and enjoy the scenery. We arrived in Taipei 7:30pm, go home guys. Got home by 8:30-9ish and finish homework.

We have challenged each other in many areas and yet God did amazing things through us.

Challenged areas:
Finding our boundaries with each,
Watching out attitude with each other especially when I'm feeling tired, in pain or simply frustrated with the way communication is going.
Translation and communication
Time management and flexibility
Team work

God is stretching all of us in different ways.

I apologize once again for taking so long to get a news to you. As you see its been a hectic time and we’ll be busy over Christmas and New Year’s too.

Now I need to finish my research paper due Dec 2nd and start preparing for the oral exams on Dec 7 &8th. We graduate on December 11th and start outreach on the 14th. Some will be going to Cambodia for 2 weeks (I can’t go due to the location and health reasons), and then in Taiwan we’ll be going to Yilan, Guanfu, Taitung, and Taoyuan for one week each. We are excited to see what God is going to do.
I’ll be doing my outreach here in Taipei at The Rock ministry. I am praying about the Taiwan part, Yilan, Gaunfu,etc to join the team or stay at The Rock. Please pray with me for God’s direction.

What’s next

SBS -School of Biblical Studies
I’m excepted for the next SBS school starting in March, so I’ll be staying in Taipei from now onward till God shows me the next move. Please pray with me for strength, wisdom and finances for SBS school.


Attachment: news7-09nb.pdf

FMS Midterm Outreach Nov 2009

Our Family Ministry School went to Taitung for one week doing outreach among the Amis tribe. It was an awesome experience to serve alongside one of the Churches in the Donghe area.

We did morning prayer walks at 5:30am, house visitations (as most of the elderly can't get to Church), School Ministry, Street Evangelism, a...nd Evening Teachings to various ages. Sunday we did the Sunday School, Youth service and the Church service.

We used various skits, acts of service, conversation and teaching to reach people.

Here is some captured moments.
Bless you

You are welcome to read detail in Newsletter 7.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

FMS Midterm Outreach 2009 家庭事奉學校期中短宣.mov

Our Family Ministry School went to Taitung for one week doing outreach among the Amis tribe. It was an awesome experience to serve alongside one of the Churches in the Donghe area.

We did morning prayer walks at 5:30am, house visitations (as most of the elderly can't get to Church), School Ministry, Street Evangelism, and Evening Teachings to various ages. Sunday we did the Sunday School, Youth service and the Church service.

We used various skits, acts of service, conversation and teaching to reach people.

Here is some captured moments.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Merry Christmas/ Happy Birthday Jesus - blessings to all.

With 6 weeks to go before Christmas REMEMBER:

Jesus is Better than Santa

Santa lives in the North Pole.

JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh

JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year

JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies

JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited

JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa

JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap

JESUS lets you rest in His arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"

JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly

JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO

JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry"

JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.

Santa's little helpers make toys

JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but

JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree

JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.

We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.

We need to put Christ back in Christmas.

Jesus is still the reason for the season.


May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2009

And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paid in full with one glass of milk

This story has touched my heart every time I read it or its sent to me by email.  What happened to kindness, we have allowed so much fear into our lives. Let's rather fear God, because His Love casts out all fear. We CAN be kind, its a choice we have to make. We don't always realize how we' touch someone else life.

Paid in full with one glass of milk

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay,
for his hungry stomach, decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. On the way through school, he found he had only one thin dime left and he was very hungry.

However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.The woman thought he looked hungry, so brought him a large glass of milk.

He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us, never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said..."Then I thank you from my heart."

Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her
room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.

He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to
save her life, from that day he gave special attention to the case. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room.

The woman feared opening it, for she was sure it would take the rest
of her life to pay for it all.Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.

She read these words..."Paid in full with one glass of milk." Signed,
Dr.Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: Thank You,
God, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."


Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Time Evening Nov 2009

What is Halloween? Ever thought how God can be your light, shine through you, keeping the enemy away. Tim showed me how people can think Jack-o-lantern shines to keep ghosts away and it reminded me Taiwan's ghost month and all their suspicions.

It was an awesome time of sharing.

Pumpkin Carving Time

What is Halloween? Ever thought how God can be your light, shine through you, keeping the enemy away. Tim showed me how people can think Jack-o-lantern shines to keep ghosts away and it reminded me Taiwan's ghost month and all their suspicions.

It was an awesome time of sharing.

Monday, October 19, 2009

SYS Memorial Hall in Taipei

These photos were taken at the park area. I did not focus on the building this time.
I had a relaxing time in the park.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Abundant LIfe Christian Church Children Camp 2009

News 5 2009 July and August for Adele in Taiwan!!

Sorry, I've emailed my letter to  people individually and sent it on Facebook, but forgot to add it here. I'm working on the September one.

July and August for Adele in Taiwan!!

Hi everyone.

Wow, God is good all the time.

July 1-3rd our team worked alongside the KKI Taiwan staff and helped with workshops teaching dramas.

Then on the 6th Kate, Vicky and I left for Tainan till the 17th. First we went to Yu Jing, just outside of Tainan where our first camp took place. Yu Jing is famous for its mangoes and tribe there was only recently recognized by the government.  Then we went to Tainan City (where I first taught English) to the Abundant Life Christian Church. We did three day camps in both places with You Are Special by Max Lucado as the main theme and the wordless booklet building to alter call where many has given their heart to God.  For crafts we made the color bracelet training them to reach others. 

We came back to base for two days rest and repacking getting ready for the next camp which was part of the KKI Taipei team. We had our first GATEYWAY camp in Taiwan. The training start on the July 20th and the camp on the 23rd -28th followed by outreach till the 9th August. We expected bigger numbers with all our camps initially(with previous yrs experience in mind), but then realized that more and more churches are having their own camps with less numbers, God is allowing better mentorship to take place.  That’s awesome! 

At the camp we had staff from the USA, South Africa, Singapore,, Hong Kong, UK, Argentina, Australia, Holland and Taiwan local staff and participants from 6 different Tribes in Taiwan, namely, Paiwan, Tayal, Taruku, Bunon, Puyuma and the Amis tribe where some destruction of villages were caused by the Typhoon later during outreach. Please pray for those tribes whom have lost their whole village due to the mud-slides. Rescue work is still continuing as I write this letter.

Anyway, straight after the Gateway camp we had outreach camps of 12days. Like I said we had  tight schedules and had to make time to rest, which called all to be FLEXIBLE with ourself and our team mates.

With outreach I joined the Yilan team (where the Typhoon later came) where we worked with the Hansi Church and Tayal tribe. We run a camp at and church for the children in the morning and the youth in the afternoons. The Hansi Church there also arranged a three day camp for 62 churches/teams in that area to have a basketball camp where we helped as volunteers cleaning the trash every 40minutes(that’s how long it took to go around one time and separate the trash).  After the games one evening they had arranged a time of worship and sharing where we gave opportunity for prayer and surrendering to God. It was amazing to be apart of it all.

Me, I had an asthma attack on July 30th as the weather in that part of Yilan was very humid and changed dramatically when I stepped into an air-conditioned room or outside sudden cloudy rainy weather. So, I ended up in hospital with UV & all, so, I had to take it very easy the next few days. I believe it was a forced rest for me and also taught the kids to calm down and rather help each other instead bullying and playing rough all the time.  The Typhoon came during the camp time and we had to cancel a day and half as families prepared their homes and then stay indoors. Most damage has been done south of Taiwan though, Rescue workers are still searching and helping.

We returned to base on the 10th August and had a week of rest, well, I’m still taking it easy.

My next move

I’m handing all media things over to other staff at the office as I’m preparing for the Family Ministry School (FMS) I’ve been accepted and start on September 11th- Dec 11 Lecture phase and then 7 weeks outreach in the South of Taiwan (2 weeks of that in Cambodia). I’m excited about the new season and to train to be better effective in ministry.

Please pray with me for strength, wisdom and finances for school.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yu Jing Church Summer Camp 2009

A team from our base went to the town of Yu JIng in the South of Taiwan to partner with a local church in running a 3-day English/Chinese Children's Camp. We had a great time, and God moved powerfully with many of the children making decisions to follow Jesus. We used the theme of "You Are Special" from the book by Max Lucado. What a simple but profound message, and it was a real privilege to be able to share God's heart with the children.

Yu Jing area is famous for it's huge and delicious mangoes and we definitely had our share of the juicy fruit while we were there. Yum!

May God bless the work of the church and continue to grow these young people in their walk with Him.


Monday, July 13, 2009

News 4- 2009

Hi folks!


Our training has come to an end at the end May. It was an overwhelming time of teachings, reminders and new insights into why things happen the way do in YWAM. How we plan, strategize and partner with each other, churches and other organizations.

 How do we play a part in the 7 spheres of  society.

Our team has drawn closer to each other especially during team building time.

We joined the Global day of prayer  on May 31st, praying for Toayuan, They went through many different topics, then prayed. I personally felt that last years Prayer time was more effective.

 We visit the MV Doulos  on the 21st of May, praying about how to  possibly partner with ship ministries in the future. Some of our team has never been on the ship, so I (my 4th visit to the Doulos) had a blast showing them around and asked/arranged a tour to see below deck how the staff live and sacrifice comfort for the service for God.

I’moving around

I finally moved from my last house as of the end of May. I stayed with our other single ladies till I started house-sitting from May 29th till August 13th. Although I’ll be away to help run 2 Children camps in Tainan 6-17th July and then join Gateway (part of KKI) in Yilan from July 20rd -Aug 9th.

Bible Study

Some individuals has approached me at church to teach English Bible Studies, I spoke to the church and am now working alongside them with these individuals asof the beginning of June and will see if and how the church & ywam can work together in the future. Please pray for this as God might have this only for a season (while I’m still at the church, before I go to study) or He is starting ways to partner with churches.


Four of our team members went to the Call2all Congress in Hong Kong June 1-4th and had an extremely busy but exciting time getting together with ywamers, churches, pastors, business men, etc.

It amazing to see how God is using us all in the body of Christ for the great commission from all parts of the world. There are many resources available online, especially to reach the unreached who can’t read.

It makes me excited to reach and help people.

 Prayer Request/s :

Please pray for our camps, traveling safety, to see the lost saved and families restored.

Pray for wisdom.

Pray for my school fees USD $ 7000.

Pray for perseverance

 learning Chinese.

Thank you for your support!

And please do let me know what I can pray for you.




Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Secret of the Golden City 2006

Our team did this puppet show during our outreach in Cambodia in January 2007.
It give shows the first 10 minutes, it includes the wordless book which is a great evangelism tool for especially reaching the young people.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Skit Mask.MOV

Mask Skit

We did this skit during my outreach in Cambodia in 2006. It has touched many lives and made many realize that we shouldn't have to wear a mask in life. We are free to be ourselves, how God created us to be.

May this skit speak to you to.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Hutou Mountain Park, Taoyuan

It is soooo nice to take a break and go for a walk in the mountain area, one near our base is called Hutou Mountain Environmental Protection Park.
Here are some shots of trail and views.

Enjoying Taiwan.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Who & what is the Kingdom Business Alliance?
We here at the KBA fully acknowledge that God owns all our businesses, and that we work for the Lord. For each and every single one of us, male and female, Christian and non-Christian alike, there are times when it is hard for us to hear and feel the guidance given by God due to the daily stresses that seem to consume our minds.

KBA offers an outside objective perspective through it's members and associates to help you gain clarity and shared knowledge and experience. KBA's members are accessible through networking at business breakfasts and also on an interpersonal level by you joining the KBA.

Follow the link for more info.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hi folks

Happy Easter
Easter has been a busy time for us as we had a special Easter program at our English House Ministry on the Friday night and at the Hospital the following morning (Saturday). It was awesome to see how many raised their hands or indicated that they desired to know God.

Saturday, we worked alongside other churches at the hospital in the foyer. It was great seeing how the program from different church groups flows into each other. It was good that some church members were there to follow up with folk. We then went to different floors to give out tracks with eggs that had scripture verses on it. There is a great need for more volunteer workers, and churches to be involved in Hospital Ministry.

Happy Mother’s day
Appreciation for our mothers is very important. I often make an effort to call home and hear where my parents are at in their lives, Praying, encouraging and blessings them. Let’s remember, appreciate, comfort and bless our mother’s on Mother’s day. A mother is the first to rise and last to go sleep. She is all attentive and all-knowing, willing to sacrifice herself for her family. Let’s appreciate them.

Proverbs 31 beautifully describes wise woman who fears the Lord (v30).

“20 Her hands are stretched out to the poor; yes, she is open-handed to those who are in need।21 She has no fear of the snow for her family, for all those in her house are clothed in scarlet.

25 Strength and self-respect are her clothing; she is facing the future with a smile. 26 Her mouth is open to give out wisdom, and the law of mercy is on her tongue. 27 She gives attention to the ways of her family, she does not take her food without working for it.
28 Her children get up and give her honour (call her blessed-KJV), and her husband gives her praise, saying,
29 Unnumbered women have done well, but you are better than all of them.
30 Fair looks are a deceit, and a beautiful form is of no value; but a woman who has the fear of the Lord is to be praised. 31 Give her credit for what her hands have made: let her be praised by her works in the public place.

Yes, our team did a dance/skit for the Mother’s Day program at the Gospel fair in Jhongli on Saturday May 2nd.

I mentioned last time that we’re listening to the YWAM DNA and I must say it has been a great reminder of how and where YWAM started. Why we do things the way we do and for me personally learning new things that hasn’t been taught to new staff at our base. So I find it awesome to see our team binding together in a new way. Its helping us to be on the same page. It’s bringing us back to basic foundation in God and how God intend to use every YWAMer. The testimonies of how God has used many people in others lives in all nations have been a great encouragement.

We are also doing team building stuff on Fridays and seeing how God is pulling us together to be transparent for Him is awesome. It’s personally a growing process for me, of working through past visions of how things have been done and how God is changing that view to be more Godly, to move in His Spirit.

Prayer Request/s (Please):

Please continue praying for our Training time. That the Holy Spirit will move amongst us and take us to a higher level in HIM.
Pray for wisdom.
Pray for our base, facilities and staff finances.
Pray for my school fees USD $ 7000.
Pray for perseverance learning chinese.

Thank you for your support!
And please do let me know what I can pray for


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Newsletter 3 -2009

Hi folks!

Happy Easter
Easter has been a busy time for us as we had a special Easter program at our English House Ministry on the Friday night. The following morning (Saturday), we worked alongside other churches at a local hospital. It was great seeing how the program from different church groups flowed with each other. It was also good to have church members with us to follow up folk. After our program, we then went to different floors to give out tracts with eggs that had scripture verses on them. There is a great need for more volunteer workers and churches to be involved in Hospital Ministry.

Happy Mother’s Day
Appreciation for our mothers is very important.  I often make an effort to call home and hear how my parents are, and also to pray, encourage and bless them. Let’s remember, appreciate, comfort and bless our mothers on Mother’s day. A mother is the first to rise and last to go sleep. She is all-attentive and all-knowing, willing to sacrifice herself for her family. Let’s appreciate them.

Proverbs 31 beautifully describes the wise woman who fears the Lord (v30).

“20 Her hands are stretched out to the poor; yes, she is open-handed to those who are in need.21 She has no fear of the snow for her family, for all those in her house are clothed in scarlet.

25 Strength and self-respect are her clothing; she is facing the future with a smile.
26 Her mouth is open to give out wisdom, and the law of mercy is on her tongue.
27 She gives attention to the ways of her family, she does not take her food without working for it.

28 Her children get up and give her honour (call her blessed-KJV), and her husband gives her praise, saying,
29 Unnumbered women have done well, but you are better than all of them.
30 Fair looks are a deceit, and a beautiful form is of no value; but a woman who has the fear of the Lord is to be praised.
31 Give her credit for what her hands have made: let her be praised by her works in the public place.”

Our YWAM team performed dances & a skit for the Mother’s Day program at a Gospel fair in Jhongli on Saturday May 2nd.

I mentioned last time that we’re presently watching a DVD series on YWAM’s DNA.  I must say, it has been a great reminder of how YWAM started, why we do things the way we do and for me personally, learning new things that I hadn’t previously known since becoming staff at our base. I am finding it awesome to see our team bonding together in a new way. It’s helping us to be on the same page. It’s bringing us back to a basic foundation in God and seeing how God intends to use every YWAMer. The testimonies of how God has used many people in others lives in all nations have been a great encouragement.

We are also doing team building activities on Fridays and seeing how God is drawing us together to be more transparent with one another. For me personally, it is a process of working through past visions of how things have been done and how God is changing that view to be more godly, to move in His Spirit.

 Prayer Request/s (Please):

Please continue praying for our Training time - that the Holy Spirit will move amongst us and take us to a higher level in HIM.

Pray for wisdom.
Pray for our base, facilities and staff finances.
Pray for my school fees USD$ 7000.
Pray for perseverance learning Chinese.

Thank you for your support!
And please do let me know what I can pray
for you. Thanks.


Attachment: news3-09.pdf

Friday, April 10, 2009

Newsletter 2 - 2009

HI friends
Please let me  know from time to time whats happening in your world and what I can pray for YOU.

If you struggle to download the file,here is the basic letter without photos and trimmings.

Dear friends

I realize that often in my communication with you, there are many things that I don’t know how to share.  I want to be honest with you about how things have really been going for me here over the last few months.  My intention is not to complain or miss-communicate anything.  I just want to be real, to let you know what’s been going on, how I’ve grown and also areas I’ve been challenged in. This will help you understand why I haven’t written until I could properly express myself.

As I look at the big picture, I see how our base is going through transitions and entering a new season. It is challenging at times, but at the same time I try to stay focused on God and His plans, to see how things will unfold. Due to all the changes, including changes in the weather, I had to take March much easier than usual. Winter was short and good, but the change to Spring has been challenging for most as the weather is unpredictable, and is still changing dramatically from hot back to cold again. I ended up with Bronchitis during March (also why you haven’t heard from me).

After my visit to South Africa last year I returned to Taiwan at the end of September to join a skeleton (minimal) staff remaining at our base.  Fono and Sose (our director) were in Samoa leading an LTS (Leadership Training School) and DTS in Samoa along with 5 other of our staff members who joined the LTS. 

During December last year, we heard from Sose that she might not be returning to Taiwan at the time we were expecting her (January).  It was a surprise to me and to the other staff, as John had made it clear that he had only committed to lead until January.  He and Polly had intended to focus on Family Ministry from that time.  Therefore, this left us with the question of who would be taking on the leadership.  Apart from John & Polly, at that time there were only 4 female staff at the base, and we began to take on more responsibility as John stepped down.  It was a challenging and busy time as the four of us managed the office, cared for a homeless man & kept our ministries going.  During that time, I was also able to bless John & Polly by staying with their boys, helping with their school work while their parents were away teaching.

In January, Sose emailed to let us know that she had prayerfully appointed a new leadership team for our base, which would consist of the 5 staff who had just finished their Leadership training. During February I managed a Korean Church outreach team with their program and stay at our base, which was  busy but also rewarding. After that I took a few days break  to seek God.  Results at end of letter.

Change of Leadership
Sose & Fono returned to Taiwan at the end of February, and shared with our staff that for the next 2 years they believe God has called them to help re-pioneer the YWAM base in Samoa, to train the staff.  So, as of March 2009, Margaret Wu (one of our local Chinese staff) is now our Base Director and another two couples on a leadership council with her.

Our yearly March staff conference was cancelled, and instead we had a General meeting, during which Fono stepped down as National Director & Sose stepped down as chairman.  Our new chairman for Taiwan was elected during the meeting. The National office has since moved to Danshui, which releases us as a base from many responsibilities and will also enable us to spend the next few months re-establishing ourselves as a base. This is our present situation.

Issues & Transition
It has been a challenging and tiring time.  At times communication has not been very clear, which has caused some uncertainty amongst us staff.  Also, one of the weaknesses I’ve seen in our base has been a culture of responding to things in a more crisis-orientated way (i.e. doing things last-minute), although some of us (me included) prefer to be prepared earlier. I am hopeful that with better training and organization that we can improve in this area.

For me staff training is very important.  At our base, the present situation is that most new staff has joined us as a direct result of having done a DTS at our base.  Upon transition into staff, there has been no further training in terms of preparation for ministry, the role of staff, etc.  When I became staff, I personally found it very hard and have also seen others struggling because of lack of understanding, experience, etc.  It is also not easy working alongside staff of different countries, cultures, personalities.  I believe it is possible and can be good, but we need training in order to understand each other better.

I trust and hope that our new leadership will begin to address some of these issues.  We are all aware that we need time to adjust and as a team will be spending the next couple of months focusing on re-establishing ourselves. For this reason, we have also cancelled our March DTS.

With this new transition, I am encouraged that we will begin to have proper training and another focus is to develop a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I desire for us to learn to live with and understand each other better as a larger team.  I have said before and now say it again that I know that no church, organization or company is perfect - there will always be room to grow and learn and I’m excited to see how things are going to change for us at our base.  I hope this gives you a more complete picture of some of the more challenging things I/we are facing, but also to show you that I am hopeful for the future.

What has God shown me during my Time with God (break-away weekend)
As evaluation for the last year:
I prayed, prepared and trained for KKI (Kings Kids International), unfortunately no camps due to date clashes with churches, who have their own camps.
I studied part-time Chinese and found it challenging, but helpful.  I need to keep learning, and plan to study more this year. I am considering whether or not to go to language school.
Our base media is more up-to-date now, but I still need to study more about web design and work on our Chinese website.

My year (2009) ahead looks like this and I have much peace with it. I need your support please.

•    More focus on Chinese and media updates, improve communications in YWAM
•    From end-May till mid-August I’m House-sitting for friends, & plan to focus on studying Chinese.
•    FMS Sept - Dec 09 lecture phase, then outreach phase 7 weeks.  Approx. $3000 US   Dollars in total.
•    Jan 2010–March: back at the Taoyuan base till
•    March-Dec 2010 SBS (School of Biblical Studies) 9 months.  Approx. USD$4000 (incl. food)

        Prayer Request/s:

Please pray for our 50 days of Prayer, Worship and Staff
      Training - that the Holy Spirit will move amongst us
      and take us to a higher level in HIM.
Pray for our leadership transition & for wisdom.
Pray for our base and staff finances.
Pray for my school fees USD$7000
Pray for perseverance learning Chinese

Thank you for your support!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Garden Route - South Africa

YWAM Taoyuan 2008.mp4

YWAM Taoyuan focuses on building relationships with the local people of Taiwan. We want to share God's love with everyone.

This video will give you an overview of our ministries and activities during 2008. Each shot is packed with pictures of people and activities in both Taiwan and overseas.

Most of these ministries are ongoing and include many activities which you may like to come and be involved in. Individuals are welcome, as are small or large teams. Please feel free to write to us and ask about any areas of interest, or if you would like to be a part of what we do, short-term or long-term.

Thanks to everyone for your support and help making it possible to share the gospel to Taiwan.

If you were involved in any of these ministries and like to encourage others, feel free to write a comment.

You are welcome to visit for more information or
for more photos

YWAM Taoyuan

YWAM Taoyuan 2008.mp4

Lantern Festival Tainan, Taiwan

Friday, March 20, 2009

Guanzihling 2005

Friends and I went for an afternoon drive to the Fire & Water Rock in Guanzihling, Taiwan.

First we stopped at the famous Lotus Restaurant, viewing the Lotus flowers and and some birds only to be found in Taiwan.

Then we continued to the actual Fire & Water Rock. It's a nice scenic drive and then a short walk.

There are many traditional eateries and things to buy as well, like natural honey or local food for dinner. The last photo shows the Queen bee, can u spot it.

I love Taiwan.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

YWAM Taoyuan ministries during 2007

YWAM Taoyuan focuses on building relationships with the local people of Taiwan. We want to share God's love with everyone.

For the staff conference 2008, I made this presentation (report) of the ministries we were involved in during the year 2007.

You are welcome to visit for more information or
for more photos

Thanks to everyone for your support and help making it possible to share the gospel to Taiwan.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Taipei Zoo Feb 18th 09

The following paragraph is what the Taipei Zoo wrote:

Siamang is the largest gibbon. There is a pouch in its throat so it can make loud and sonorous calls through the pouch to announce its territory. Its thumbs are small while the four fingers can grasp twigs and swing in trees deftly. It feeds on leaves, fruit, and small birds.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taipei Zoo 2009

I had great practise with my camera and were quite surprised at some of the shots. WOW!!! I said to myself. I went on two occasions to go through the whole zoo and still didn't have enough time to see the panda's. The line was to long (high demand). Maybe next time.

Enjoy the pics.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009

A family has invited me to join them for the New Year eve. Here are some our fun moments, funny faces.
We also took firework pictures from the 9th floor overlooking the Taoyuan train station.

Happy New Year everone.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Flowers in Taiwan


Walking through the traditional market, there organic foods, fruit and flower. Here is focus on the flowers.
Sorry, I don't know their names.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Newsletter 1– 2009

Hi everyone


December has gone by quickly.  Welcome 2009!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!!!


December has been a refreshing time filled with opportunities to share Jesus (birth and salvation). Christmas time is the only time you can mention His name in schools in Taiwan unless it’s a Christian school, of course. I want to Thank all for your prayers during December.


We worked with a church who arranged a Christmas evangelism dinner on Dec 13th. Many students raised their hands accepting God as their savior and the church will follow-up with them.


On December 16th we went to a school to share with 200-300 2nd-graders.

On December 17th we had a program for 2 classes at an Elementary School, one in the morning & one in the afternoon. The students enjoyed the games and Candy Cane Christmas story so much that kids spread the word and another teacher asked us to return on Friday the 19th, the afternoon.


On December 19th we went to the Old Folks Home in the morning, the school in the afternoon, and then came back to finish the last touches on preparations before the evening’s English House Christmas Party with our English House friends.


On December 20th we joined another Church at the park with an open-air evangelism Christmas program.

On December 26th we were invited to a late Christmas Ministry sharing at a Christian College where all (including non-Christian) students are required to go to mass. It was the first time some of them laughed during mass, so that was encouraging.


I was in some skits untill I lost my voice, and then mostly took the photos and also did some sharing at times.

All our Christmas Ministry pictures are on our base’s blog site.


Here are some pics from the Christmas ministries.(The Attached PDF.file will more clearly.)


Winter is finally here and it has been extremely cold and rainy the last few days. I feel at peace, and that I’ve finished 2008 well. Less stress, most pictures up-to-date and backed up, computers behaving well, website changes been made. Now I have to finish making the presentation for the next Staff Conference, which is the first weekend in March 2009. Everything is done only by God’s grace of course. I can see in which areas I’ve grown and others that still need work and I’m excited to see how they’re going to change.


Our staff will soon be returning, either from the LTS School they did in Samoa, or from holiday as some of them haven’t been home in 5 or 8 years.

When they return, I’ll be able to go out more and spend more time making relationship with Taiwanese people again.


We are only five staff doing things around here right now and I think we’ve done a great job considering all that needed to be done.

I’m excited about finishing some books I have started, studying Chinese and studying web designing programs, growing into leadership and that which God has called me to.


I trust that you all had a great joyous time during Christmas!!! Happy New Year for 2009!!!


Thank you!!  To those who have been anonymously financially supporting me. May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again.


Prayer Request/s (Please):

*Please pray for. Praise Him for His favor and easier processing of papers recently at the visa offices. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries sent out from Taiwan.

*Please pray our base and staff finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*Part time learning Chinese language.

Thank YOU!!

Blessings to everyone.

Love to all in Christ Jesus.

Adele Liebich

Attachment: Newsletter 1.pdf

Monday, January 12, 2009

Taoyuan, Taiwan

These pictures were taken by previous and current staff around Taoyuan.

Taiwan sights

Different places, different views.

Famous spots in Taiwan

Here are some of the most famous places to visit on your trip to Taiwan from north to south. I have made separate album of the places I have visited such as Sun Moon Lake and Tainan, Taipei (the larger cities).

Monday, January 5, 2009

Taipei sights 2005

Taipei National Palace Museum

I visited the Taipei National Palace Museum in 2005 while it was under construction and again when I was touring friends around. There is not much pics of inside as I realized later that we weren't allowed to take in some areas, so I rather stopped taking inside at all.

The Taipei National Museum holds the world's largest collection of Chinese artefacts.The museum is widely regarded as the leading centre for the study of Chinese art.

Hatoupi park just outside Tainan.

A nice park to go to, for walks, cycling, boat rides. camp area, etc. There was some black swans on the lake when I was there.

These are some of my pics

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Encouraging video and music clips
There are many creative ideas for sharing the gospel or simply things that touch your heart.

See what touches your heart. create your own blogs and add your favorite clips.

YouTube - adeleliebich's Channel

Homecell Group, Christmas in Sun Moon Lake 2004

These are me church friends, eventhough we had busy weeks of teaching we got together once a week or as opportunity arises to go together somewhere and encourage one another, or simply have some fun.

A family away from home, celebrating birthdays, weddings, and Christmas together at Sun Moon Lake.

I thank God for the season with these friends and cherish each moment with them and still do with those who keep in contact.


Taipei sights 2004

get on every 20 minutes

I visited my friend Ivy in Taipei, she (and her sister) showed me a couple of places, Taipei 101(no i did not go to the top), Taipei County Hall (the view), C.K.S. Memorial Hall and park, Danshui and a nightmarket on the way back home.

It was a great time.

Tainan, Taiwan

There are many historical places to be seen in Tainan.

Christmas time @ a school 2004

Christmas time at school, games, fun, gifts and hugs. Its the only time we as foreigners can share Jesus openly in schools, although santa stays the decorations etc.

Trash truck chiming at Christmas time 2004

The trash truck goes around town (in Tainan) and chimes classical music and at times it gives an english teaching to the Taiwan folk and chinese lesson to the foreigners.

Budha money flying 2004

Fake money flying into the furnice at one of the biggest temples in Datun, Taiwan. What a waste of money, that could be put into needed people's lives.

Everyone can be successful!!

Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem

Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was a womaniser

Rahab was a prostitute

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

David had an affair and was a murderer

Elijah was suicidal

Isaiah preached naked

Jona tried to ran from God

Naomi was a widow

Job went bankrupt

Peter denied Christ

The Disciples fell asleep while praying

Martha worries about everything

Mary Magdalene was, well you know

The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once

Zaccheus was too small

Paul was too religious

Timothy had an ulcer and

 Lazarus was dead


If these people and many other well known successors was able to overcome obstacles on their path to success;

What is stopping us to achieve our full potential?

I know that I will grab every opportunity that comes my way, will you?



2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...