Monday, October 19, 2009

SYS Memorial Hall in Taipei

These photos were taken at the park area. I did not focus on the building this time.
I had a relaxing time in the park.


  1. Great photo! I'm taking Cece there on Monday - my first time!

  2. More little turtles in green water!

  3. Looks like you really had a good time and beautiful weather that day

  4. yes,I had a great time mostly in the garden. I was bummed thought that my memory card ran out of space. They change guards every hour in the big building and I couldn't take more pics. I wanna go back another time. Next time I'll spend more time in the museum and on the guards. Have you been to the other Memorial park, the C.K.S Memorial, also has huge gardens and a museum. Enjoy Monday.


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...