Friday, January 16, 2009

Newsletter 1– 2009

Hi everyone


December has gone by quickly.  Welcome 2009!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!!!


December has been a refreshing time filled with opportunities to share Jesus (birth and salvation). Christmas time is the only time you can mention His name in schools in Taiwan unless it’s a Christian school, of course. I want to Thank all for your prayers during December.


We worked with a church who arranged a Christmas evangelism dinner on Dec 13th. Many students raised their hands accepting God as their savior and the church will follow-up with them.


On December 16th we went to a school to share with 200-300 2nd-graders.

On December 17th we had a program for 2 classes at an Elementary School, one in the morning & one in the afternoon. The students enjoyed the games and Candy Cane Christmas story so much that kids spread the word and another teacher asked us to return on Friday the 19th, the afternoon.


On December 19th we went to the Old Folks Home in the morning, the school in the afternoon, and then came back to finish the last touches on preparations before the evening’s English House Christmas Party with our English House friends.


On December 20th we joined another Church at the park with an open-air evangelism Christmas program.

On December 26th we were invited to a late Christmas Ministry sharing at a Christian College where all (including non-Christian) students are required to go to mass. It was the first time some of them laughed during mass, so that was encouraging.


I was in some skits untill I lost my voice, and then mostly took the photos and also did some sharing at times.

All our Christmas Ministry pictures are on our base’s blog site.


Here are some pics from the Christmas ministries.(The Attached PDF.file will more clearly.)


Winter is finally here and it has been extremely cold and rainy the last few days. I feel at peace, and that I’ve finished 2008 well. Less stress, most pictures up-to-date and backed up, computers behaving well, website changes been made. Now I have to finish making the presentation for the next Staff Conference, which is the first weekend in March 2009. Everything is done only by God’s grace of course. I can see in which areas I’ve grown and others that still need work and I’m excited to see how they’re going to change.


Our staff will soon be returning, either from the LTS School they did in Samoa, or from holiday as some of them haven’t been home in 5 or 8 years.

When they return, I’ll be able to go out more and spend more time making relationship with Taiwanese people again.


We are only five staff doing things around here right now and I think we’ve done a great job considering all that needed to be done.

I’m excited about finishing some books I have started, studying Chinese and studying web designing programs, growing into leadership and that which God has called me to.


I trust that you all had a great joyous time during Christmas!!! Happy New Year for 2009!!!


Thank you!!  To those who have been anonymously financially supporting me. May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again.


Prayer Request/s (Please):

*Please pray for. Praise Him for His favor and easier processing of papers recently at the visa offices. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries sent out from Taiwan.

*Please pray our base and staff finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*Part time learning Chinese language.

Thank YOU!!

Blessings to everyone.

Love to all in Christ Jesus.

Adele Liebich

Attachment: Newsletter 1.pdf

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