Monday, January 7, 2008

Wow, this letter has it all,a nutshell can't handle all this powerful stuff.

      Newsletter Vol 1 – 2008   


          MISSIONARY IN TAIWAN      




 Personal Website:





Hi everyone




Here things are pretty good, the winter is getting really cold now, the last three days have been 13 degrees Celsius. This letter will be a bit longer than usual as I’ll be sharing new visions and YWAM news for 2008.


 Here are some things I’m thankful for during the last year.

Daily provisions, breath and life. My debt is finished, Praise God!!!  

I was blessed with a suite rent free; I only pay the utilities.

I renewed my ARC, its good till end of Oct 2008.I got medical insurance as a requirement with our ARC of Taiwan law.

I’ve been blessed with a scooter to get around with as soon as I have my license.


I got quiet in preparation for our yearly planning meeting, asking God where He wants me to be involved this year and this is what He showed me.


A.  Visions for 2008:


1.  KKI – King’s Kids International

Vision - To see the young search for Him and growing deeper in Him.

  To see them growing a desire to share the gospel no matter their youth.

  To mobilizing them to reach their gift and purpose in life.


Mark 1:14-17 - Making fishers of men

Mark 3:14-15  14And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, 15And to have  power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils: “


1 Tim 4:12 - Speak no matter your youth.

12Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 13Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.”


HOW? Work on having KKI brochures

International teams involved

Help youth to create their own dances and skits and develop in worship.

In hope to grow cell group where we can follow up and help mentor them to grow in God.

Jin-Heuy (a co-worker) wants to help with communication prior to camp and assist the needs of the kids during the camp.



Vision – To have good communication making others hungry for God to grow deeper in Him.


HOW?            Study the programs to design and improve the website.

Follow up on website with testimonies, and updates.

Create a Taoyuan brochure sharing our vision, mission and training.

Continue maintaining the computers at the base. (Clean up, anti-virus checks. Etc)

Keep filing systems in order.

Sort and file photos.



Vision is to improve the language in order to share the gospel with the local people.


Initially I was overwhelmed as I’m also trying to study in these three areas, but then got excited about what God has in store for me and us as a family here in Taoyuan for 2008. My schedule is therefore still under construction so to speak, hopefully you’ll see it with the next letter.


B. A reminder of our YWAM bases visions and mission statements.

YWAM International Vision Statement:

Revelations 7:9 “After this I looked, and, there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne, and in front of the Lamb.  They were wearing white robes, and were holding palm branches in their hands.”

What will be our gift to the Lord when we stand before Him?  Our hope is that it will be every people, every nation, every tongue.

Our YWAM Taoyuan Base Vision Statement

Isaiah 52:7 – “7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace; who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation; who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”

Our “Beautiful Feet” vision statement encompasses our 3 ministries: Training, Evangelism & Mercy Ministries.

Our YWAM Taoyuan Base Mission Statement

“Partnering with the rest of the body of Christ in Taoyuan to see the lost saved, to minister to the needy, to train and mobilize believers to fulfill the call of God on their lives.”




將來你在 神面前要拿什麼禮物來獻給祂呢? 我們的期盼是各國各族各民各方的人們齊來站在祂面前。


以賽亞書527那報佳音,傳平安,報好信,傳救恩的,對錫安說,你的 神作王了,這人的腳登山何等佳美。







C. Global YWAM Prayer Day started officially on January 3rd. This link links you to the letters, resources and results of the Prayer days.

I’ll add our bases results on my multiply site.  or on my site


Prayer Day, YWAM International


Dear Friends,

Greetings from Harpenden, England. As you’ve likely heard since our Global Leadership Team gathering in Jeju, South Korea, God is calling YWAM to new levels of participation with Him in reaching every corner of the world with His Kingdom. We have crossed the Jordan into the promised land, and our inheritance lies just ahead. God is reminding us that we are to respond with gratitude and humility, not pride or triumphalism. John, Iain and I are convinced that God is giving us just such an opportunity beginning in January.

I’m writing you today to confirm that we as a global family will begin praying together the first Thursday of every month beginning on Thursday, January 3, 2008. Most YWAMers will recall the extraordinary times of prayer we shared in 2005 during the 50 Days of Prayer. We experienced renewal in our personal relationships and in our walk with God. As we focused on the Lord together, greater integrity came to YWAM. We are renewing the effort to pray together so that we can again experience unity around our call to the ALL, join God in what He is doing, and prepare for our part in God’s plans for this generation.

Through many prophetic words recently given to YWAM, we realize that God is saying we have at last "crossed the Jordan" as favored children of the Lord. Our upcoming monthly prayer days will focus on the spiritual preparation that is required after crossing the Jordan, as well as hearing more about God’s new plans for YWAM. God is making it clear that he has new ground for us to cover, but that He will only take us there if we’re willing to move forward together-in a posture of service and without seeking recognition.

There is no end date to our prayer days; we are simply responding in obedience to what God has revealed to us thus far. We expect to continue with this regular prayer pattern for the next few years- at least until our 50th anniversary events in 2010.

We will be sending monthly prayer guides to base and ministry leaders by e-mail one week before every scheduled prayer day. These prayer guides will also be available to all YWAMers. In these guides, you’ll receive a letter from a YWAM leader, comments on the monthly prayer focus, a short teaching, and testimonies from our global family. We’ll also include ideas on how you might participate at your YWAM center, as well as a list of resources that might help you better prepare for the prayer days.

YWAM is broad and diverse (Foundational Value 7), meaning we must always make every effort to include all the parts of our global family. That’s why it’s so important that we translate the prayer guides into as many languages as possible. Our goal is to begin by providing Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian and Korean translations. We hope to provide other language translations in the near future.

To make all this possible, we need to invest in new technology which gives us the tools needed to communicate with YWAMers regularly. We will start with an e-mail list that any and all YWAMers can subscribe to in order to receive the monthly prayer guides (in the available languages). We’re also developing a website that will provide a place where YWAMers can interact together during our times of prayer, much like happened with the 50 Days of Prayer website in 2005. We will add features to this website as the prayer days unfold.

As I mentioned, all of this requires a financial investment that I believe God is calling YWAMers to participate in. We need an additional US $75,000 above what the GLT has already given towards this infrastructure. Would you and your staff please pray about whether you should give towards this? You can give by going to  where we’ve set up a giving account. Please also note our prayer days contact address if you’d like additional information:

One final reminder. Our prayer days together begin in just two months. Please consider in advance what these days will mean for the life of your YWAM community, and please prepare to join us on Thursday, January 3. You can participate in a variety of ways that are appropriate for your schedule. We will send an e-mail reminder to you in advance, as well as your first monthly prayer guide one week before each scheduled prayer day. Please put the following monthly prayer days in your calendar:

Thursday, January 3
Thursday, February 7
Thursday, March 6
Thursday, April 3
Thursday, May 1
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, July 3
Thursday, August 7
Thursday, September 4
Thursday, October 2
Thursday, November 6
Thursday, December 4

Please share this information with your staff as soon as possible that we might all be prepared to enter into these important days together. You can subscribe to the prayer guides mailing list by visiting 

 In His Peace,

Lynn Green

International Chairman, YWAM

The results was amazing, let remind ourselves that Prayer is one of our strongest weapons.


D.  Prayer Requests for 2008:

Pray with me as I walk or ride my bicycle to work & home for there are many hidden shrines, clubs and KTV’s (Karaoke) on the way.

Pray for the Foreign affairs, for God’s favor, easier communication and paperwork for Volunteer workers/ Missionaries.

Pray for the ministries God has laid on my heart to lead for this year, it’s the media and KKI (King’s Kids International).

Blessings to ya’ll.


Thank you!!!   I do not know who has been financially supporting me thus far. It has been anonymous, but I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to cover all my cost of living here. My budget is updated for you to see my  needs and God’s provision.

If God leads you in your heart to become a partner for His work in this ministry, please feel free to contact me or unanimously deposit it in my account below.  May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again. Amen!


Love to all in Christ Jesus.


Adele Liebich


Prayer Request/s (Please):


*Please pray for the visa offices. For God’s favor and easier processing. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries in Taiwan sent out.

*Please pray for Missionaries and their finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness. For His awesome Provision for future needs like: food, finances, support.

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*To enjoy the training in media and learning new programs.

*Part time learning Chinese language.

                                   God is faithful.     Blessings to you all.

                                Adele Liebich


Update on finances:


A  Digital camera

Fridge, microwave

Mac laptop for media


Monthly costs:


I got a rent free place. Hallelujah!!!

Gas                                                                   400NTElectricity and water                                    1700NT

Food                                                               4000NT

Petrol                                                             2000NT

Medical aid                                                     660NT

Telephone and internet together              1500NT

Staff fees (saving for next conference)     500NT

Cell phone                                                      500NT

International phone cards                           600NT

     Totals  11860NT divide R5 =R 2 372.



To those who’ve supported me this far! Thank you for your Encouragement, finances & Prayer – GOD BLESS YOU Abundantly!!


I Challenge You…


1.To come visit us at YWAM Taoyuan and see how we live and share with others.

2.To Support me in Missions through Finances & Prayer

3.To live on the Edge- Come & do your DTS!! (Discipleship Training School).


Isaiah 6:8

 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


My Bank Details:


Name of Bank: Chinatrust Commercial Bank

Account Name: Adele LiebichAccount Number: 059540209451

Swift Code: CTCBTWTP


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