Friday, August 3, 2007

Newsletter Vol 5 - 2007

Thing happen so fast. God is faithful all the time. We don't always see and understand His purposes for us, but He does. Jer. 29:11.

Praise God my fees have down tremendiously. I have 1 month of house-sitting left before I move back to the base. September is an exciting busy new month here in YWAM Taoyuan and in my life.

Thanks to all who have been praying and supporting me in all kinds of ways. Please read the newsletter.

Blessing to all.

Adele Liebich

Taoyuan City in Taiwan


Follow the link!!

Here are some pictures of my new (since September 2006) home town called Taoyuan City. Tainan had a lot more historical places seeing it was first city in Taiwan. Taoyuan on the other hand does not have such deep historical meaning and places to it. I still have to explore, I would have to travel to the subburbs to see more beauty spots.

Right now I'm happy to have a park, river and mountain with trails in close fascinity for a change of scenary. That's enough for me. I got a bicycle to ride around and working on getting a drivers lisence. God has been blessing me and suprising me greatly. I can't stop praising Him for all He is doing.

well, I got to run. Blessing yall.




Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Prayer needed

Hi Yall

It's been such an awesome weekend to see old buddies and new friends wanting to learn more about Jesus. I visited my church there and shared my joy and work in YWAM for all to see the big picture. I Thank God for the blessings of prayers, encouragements, smiles and finances. It was great to visit Tainan. I have so many homes now.

Here back in Taoyuan we are preparing for the UofN (University of the Nations) Workshop that we are hosting from September 3rd - 9th,2008. You are welcome to visit the UofN website to find out what its all about. I would need my fees of $70 USD or     2 297 NT (Taiwan dollars). Please pray with me for all my finances to come in soon.

In short, it will be a great time of sharpening our vision, to hear God and His plans for the future as all YWAMers get together through GENESIS link from four different countries to worship God.

  1. Please pray that all traveling here would get their visas approved and arrive safely.
  2. Pray that we would hear clearly, stepping boldly in obedience according to His word.
  3. Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.
  4. Pray for more Taiwanese missionaries in Taiwan sent out.
  5. Please pray for all finances to come in as God is our Father and we trust Him. He has all the riches in the world.

Stay hungry for more of God always!!

Blessings to all.

Adele Liebich, your missionary in Taiwan


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...