Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back up a bit and catch up.

Hi yall

Here is my first Newsletters when I joined YWAM sharing the different ministries and my DTS time. Those who want to back up a bit and catch up with my life in YWAM 2006 are welcome to read these. Thanks for being such great friends and stay in touch.

Much love


Monday, June 25, 2007

Owen & Jeannie Wedding

A wedding with a difference half chinese and half Island style out in the sun. What a lovely day it was and a priveledge to share it with my friends.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Time flies by.


Our DTS school students have finished their lecture phase and will be leaving for outreach in the morning to south of Taiwan. This team will mainly be doing English Camps, dances and dramas. Many of them has seen God do great things in their lives and suddenly the last couple of weeks been pulling them together to work in unity.

They seem excited to go and step in obedience to God. Pray with us that God will bless them in all they do and protect them wherever they go.

Many blessings



Friday, June 15, 2007

Newsletter Vol 3 - 2007

 Time to catch up. This letter was ment to be out in time for Mother's day, but as we say, "Rather late than never."

So, I would try to write as often as I can in the blog apart from the Newsletter every two or three months. I see yall are very busy yourselves as I get very little response and that's ok, I get busy too, know the feeling.

I pray that you find the time in your day to read a bit more.That you are able to find some catch up time with your buddies, and count your blessing  instead of getting stuck in working mode and no time for yourself. For satan will try his best to keep us apart from each other. Let's keep the unity in God.

Love in Christ

Adele Liebich



Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Do we always realize how blessed we are.
I started counting my blessing since I'm  often wrapped up in the busy routine of the day.
See how many things you can say thank you for or add to the list.

I'm blessed to have:

a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in.
a clean shower with hot and cold water
clean water to drink
clothes on my body
food to eat
a love for people, helping wherever I can
a bicycle
a phone and/or computer/or a camera
the capibility to walk, run and jump
five senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hands) all working in its full capicity
an unexpected hug or smile
air to breathe
and so much more.............

So, even though I might not have all the money in this world to buy everything I desire, God has blessed me with so much more. Focused on my NEEDS , then on what I want.

Matt 6:33 says: "First seek the Kingdom of God and then all righteousness shall be added unto you."

 I thank God daily for every little blessing he gives us.

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...