Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HI Everyone

It has been awhile, here is an update of my life.

I have been home (South Africa) since August 2011. I first took a year of rest from FULL time missionary life and took care of ME.

Slowly as my room, extended to a flat and got cupboards, I unpacked my stuff, had a part time job till I managed a full day of activities. I thank God for my friends and church leadership for their wisdom and encouragement throughout that time and still now.

I joined leadership of one of  our youth ministries (although my eagerness wanted to join more) at church for  the 10-13 year olds called Connection.

Currently I'm thinking about a business name that would sum up all the gifts I have and jobs i do. I started off with Au Pair (afternoon hours), babysitting and house-sitting. Admin work soon came and the desire to study.

Currently I'm doing care work for an elderly lady in the mornings (started a week ago and we don't know for how long at this time). During her nap times due to medication I can discipline myself and study and finish the Photography course I started.
Goal is to finish by end of March 2013.

When the School term resumes, I will continue the Au Pair work in the afternoons 2-5pm and admin work I do in between with flexibility.

Its nearly Christmas and the crime is increasing as well, so please be praying that people would be vigilent and more careful.

Nov 1 2012,  I experienced an attemped hi-jacking by a gang with a shotgun pointed at me. You ask what happened?
I was babysitting that night and as left the house/complex something says turn off the car so I did. I got out to go lock the manual gate and as I turned to return to the car two guys approached me with a shotgun pointed at me.  They tried to take the car (which I somehow locked and threw the key away) but they couldn't get in and the neighbors came out of their houses.  I just screamed and by the time I finished saying "In Jesus name just leave me alone".   They took off, some neighbor run after them. Police and Atlas came to help.

There has been break-ins near our house in Newton Park too. Dogs and animals are our first warning bells. Lets pray for wisdom when to call the police and rather be safe than sorry.

God and his angels were with me and I'm doing well, Thank you Lord. Obviously very aware of sounds and my surroundings but praying against fear. We should only fear God.

My Multiply blog with photo is changing their focus from a social blog so Blogger is my new friend and hopefully I will write more often.

Anyway, before I get carried away here. let me stop and come write another time.

Bless you.

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...