Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A detailed update, too detailed for some.

Dear Friends

How do I update you on 4 weeks that feel like forever, yet sooo much have been done.
Let me start this way. My schedule has been chaos (for a detailed one please go to my Blog.) till a week ago when I started in the office and finally got over jetlag. My schedule has been extremely different from SA of course, jetlag, disorientation, yet prioritizing things, packing, rest in between and not to mention my very different sleeping pattern (I slept easily till 12pm everyday and then pack in the afternoon). However, it all came together, Praise the Lord.

Within the first two weeks, I got the medical things sorted out before starting in the office.  Sold what I could and sent boxes by ship is cheaper. Also I took my camera in to be cleaned from mold and got it back with report that it cannot be cleaned, only change the lens and also that I would not be able to change the settings for fast and good action shots, so they say rather buy a new camera. Therefore, I am looking at the Nikon D3100 or the Sony a33L.  I will see how God guides me.

Among packing and cleaning, I tried to throw away the broken huge microwave and I forgot how heavy it was, so just from the shelf to the floor was enough for me to hurt my shoulder and neck all over again.  Therefore, packing while getting over jetlag was not the best idea ever, but time wise these two weeks was all I had to do the big stuff as I started at the office on June 7 from 9am-6pm everyday.

Just before I started work, there were many parades and noise with the Dragon boat festival for what felt like two days straight and then temple puppet shows for the rest of the week till midnight.

My coworkers helped me to call, to exchange my air miles for a ticket home and to see how much I’d have to pay in, only to hear that my air miles can only be exchanged for a trip from Bangkok which means its an additional trip to the ticket for SA and I don’t have enough miles as it is. So sadly I cannot change it, but praise the Lord my agent found me the cheapest ticket ever to JHB 28,200.00 TWD = R6, 616.02 ZAR according today’s (June 12) exchange website. Please pray with me for this so I can pay ASAP.
 I've been selling and doing all i can to pay since my airmiles exchange did not work out as planned.

My housemate and friends prayed for each other and called me to share word with me. They confirmed the new season, needing recovery. My tears of sadness will be the fertilizer for a new garden (season), new active life, (new awakening) and kids ministry. This was confirming and encouraging at the same time.

My upcoming schedule is as follow:

June consists of sorting all KKI photos and keep the best, preparations for the camp, searching games, driving when needed etc.
June 25-26 is Staff training weekend.

July 2 prepare campsite and move my stuff to the office, sleep over at office with staff one night, preparing last minute stuff and then the camp starts.

July 3-8 camp
July 8-13 I join one outreach part while others continue till the 18th.

July 13-18 I will stay at the office and sort camp pictures.

July 18-20 all staff takes a break
July 21 I see doctor last time and get asthma pumps

July 22 cancel Medical and any other accounts.

July 26 I fly out, while rest of KKI staff is all over the Island promoting KKI.

27th I will be in JHB for one week or till I can find a way down to PE.

Financial Support

I really do need people to partner with me in the work of the Kingdom in Taiwan on a monthly basis. This frees me to minister and to bless others. Please let me know if you can walk with me. My bank details are provided in the sidebar, or email me for more details. My latest newsletter is uploaded on the Lighthouse Family Church website. You can also read my newsletters on my personal website (This site).

Please Pray for….
sufficient funds to cover me expenses in Taiwan, camp fees.

Camp participants to be touched by God in a new way.

Finances for ticket home, new camera.

Bless you


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...