Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Newsletter 2 - 2011

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Dear Friends


Wow, what a challenge the last two months have been! Decisions, decisions, seeking God’s direction! I have realized that the process to full recovery from burnout is not a quick one. I didn't start the process as soon as I’d hoped to, but I can praise God that his timing is perfect and feeling out of control is okay, because HE IS IN CONTROL. 


I met with my Pastors and church family in South Africa (SA) and we’ve been praying about ways to improve support in all areas in the future. Everything won’t be able to be in place before I return to Taiwan in May. Therefore, my stay in Taiwan will be short at this time to tie up loose ends, (send things home) and only join the Gateway Camp I committed to a while ago. So I’ll return to South Africa shortly after the camp ends on

17 July 2011.


God willing, I will have a year to recover and build support for future ministry as God leads. I have to remember to pace myself so that I do find times of rest and replenishing before I think of taking a next step or leaving for another season of full time ministry.


I’vie been surprised in many ways at how empty my tank has been to give, even though it’s so much a part of me to give. I have also been touched by the overwhelming love and support I have been receiving from my different families here in SA.


That means it’s a new exciting season in my life as I take a break from ministry.  I’vie been spending quality time with my parents, church family members and friends. Upon return I’ll rest, and get a job, not too strenuous.


I participated in a musical at Lighthouse Family Church on 7, 8 and 10 May; it was a great time of socializing and getting to know old friends better and meeting new friends.  I will now fly to Johannesburg where I will be spending a few days with my brother before returning to Taiwan on 17 May.


My 2011 ministry and event dates are in the sidebar.

The year ahead looks exciting and refreshing.

 I’m excited about the upcoming Gateway camp where young people are equipped and trained to evangelize in their own tribal villages, and also train members of their churches.

    My role in the new KI (King’s Kids) office will be:  outreach and evangelism; photography and media updates (website); office admin, and driving (when required)

A new job in SA, and new adventures


Financial Support

I really do need people to partner with me in the work of the Kingdom in Taiwan on a monthly basis. This frees me to minister and to bless others. Please let me know if you can walk with me. My bank details are provided in the sidebar, or email me for more details. My latest newsletter is uploaded on the Lighthouse Family Church website. You can also read my newsletters on my personal website –


Please pray for

sufficient funds to cover my expenses in Taiwan

preparing flat for my return to South Africa (SA).

finding a job (Au Pairing, Admin, etc) when I return to South Africa

medical needs

finances for camera lens, sending stuff home and part of my return ticket.

Bless you



2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...