Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus 2010

HI Everyone

It's been amazing how time flies by. I've had such a restoring year, seeing God at work in and through my life in others life this year. I've adjusted to Danshui's humidity, an intense study schedule and thank you all for your prayers through the books as I studied and got a deeper revelation of the Bible and how it all amazingly fits together. See all the gifts we received in life, and there are so much more to add to the list/ picture attached I made.
I've made new friends and missed old friends.

I will be going home in two weeks for an overdue holiday and REST, time with family and my first Christmas home in 6yrs (nearly 7). Yippee! I'll be available during February through to April 2011 to catch up and share about all God has done in this last nearly 3 years  in Taiwan.

I'll be missing the everyday easy access to internet, but it'll be a good break to catch up face to face with friends in South Africa again and I'm looking forward to chatting for hours again after a year of intense studies and less talking. So, be aware that I will not be online as much until June 2011.

Happy Birthday Jesus during Christmas, may you all have a fabulous time with family and remember Jesus was born for YOU!!!

Love and blessings

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2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...