Saturday, April 3, 2010

News finishing 2009 and begining 2010

It’s about time I write and have you all caught up with what I’ve been doing.
PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF ADDRESS!!!! (in the attachment)

FMS done!
I finished my FMS (Family Ministry School) lecture phase in December2009. It was a serious mental overload of information, but awesome time getting to know some of the Taipei base staff at the same time. Then I did part of the outreach in Taipei. I taught English at The Rock Coffee Bar on Tuesday nights during December and January. I joined the ministry every weeknight for the outreach duration, then changed to once a week when I started working in the office. We had Christmas activities for one week (some pics), baking, card making, testimonies etc.
I helped the KKI team with a Living Christmas at a mall for one week where we did a live nativity scene.

Also as part of my outreach I was able to teach and help wherever I can at a church in Jhongli (CICF – Chungli International Christian Fellowship) with mostly foreign members.

I went to church by 9:30am, helped clean up and fold the programs/ bulletin. We had Bible study at 10am with interesting discussions developing. The church service started at 11am till 1pm. We had lunch and start the ladies fellowship at 1:45 through to 3:50pm. It was fun; we started off with a game, got to know each other’s names and started chatting.

I touched on the 5 love languages, some could identify with and some never really knew about them. We spoke about goals for 2010, I gave them time to list some things they want to change in 2010 and new things they want to do. In sharing their goals some issues and topics came up I listed for the rest of the meetings I had with them such as the 5 love languages, anger, communication, the combination and effects of it etc.
The ladies asked if we could meet every week instead of once a month and so we met every Sunday afternoon after lunch.  As for the rest of the day we got together again for dinner at 5pm, and start the evening fellowship at 6:30pm.
It’s was a nice touch or reminder of a full Sunday schedule at church (like back in South Africa), where most other churches in Taiwan only meet for 2 hours in the morning.

Thursday December 31st New Years
 I finished my outreach, had a day to relax, rest and hopefully prevent getting a cold. The day started off relaxed with cloudy weather. I did my regular cleaning around the house and went to help staff clean the dorms for coming outreach teams. Then went to see some friends, I didn’t stay long as I suddenly got a text message of my uncle’s passing, naturally I was initially in shock for a moment, cried, calmed down and went home to really deal with my emotions and allow God to comfort me.  We new his time was short, then it seemed like his health was getting better, but one can never know when is your family or friends exact day. Please make sure you are right with God.  I praise God that my uncle could have a last reunion together at least during Christmas with his family and Thank God for relieving my uncle from his suffering.

With that in mind I did not have much energy to go out and celebrate new years with glamorous fireworks, instead I stayed home, relaxed, did some artwork, watched a movie, baked cookies with my housemate & had a good Thanksgiving time with God, as I’ve been blessed in sooo many ways despite the cold weather and hardships I have faced during these transitions in the last year. Counted my blessing of the last year and prayed about the New Year.
It’s been a hard transition from base to school into office work before the next school starts March23rd 2010, but it’s been a great time of restoration and adjusting physically to Danshui’s weather and humidity. The weather temperature dropped tremendously during this last winter and Chinese New Year challenging my asthma a lot, Danshui is the coldest and most humid area of whole of Taiwan, but God’s grace is awesome. I had some rest during the Chinese New Year in February 13-16th, and at last it stopped feeling like my body is dragging along after a busy day and cold weather.       God is great!!!

Taipei Base in Danshui
Mondays we have our YWAM Base worship time, and it’s such a privilege to start our week with worship together. We pray on Tuesdays for the missionaries sent out by YWAM Taiwan. I started working in the office, January 2010 with the YWAM50th Celebration, which will be taking place on April 4-6th 2010. 

The base here is more spread out; you have the office (FMC) in one building. The DTS (Discipleship Training School) runs at the Rock during the day and evangelism opportunity at night.
 SBS (School of Biblical Studies) takes place in another building up the street. The school fees are the cheapest here cause the food cost is not included because it so easy to eat out on the street or go home and whip up something. Being apart of the community opportunities for evangelism.

I moved house at the end of January, where it is much more quieter and it feels like HOME.

Recently update
I’ve been on my last asthma puffer from South Africa and can’t get anymore, so a friend helped me to see the head of the bronchial department two weeks ago. The doctors have changed my puffer and the initial first week I coughed a lot as I obviously don’t use the previous regulator pump anymore. It felt like I’ve over-exercised. I have to test & chart to monitor the asthma and Praise God so far so good. The doctor is very happy to say that my asthma is under control and I’ll be able to continue to monitor it myself. I’m still adjusting to the new routine, but its going well. Anyway I better stop here and start a new letter for you.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. I truly needed them and appreciate all your support.

Please continue to pray for my upcoming school and health.

Thank you
Bless you

Adele Liebich 

Attached is some photos of the different thing I was involved in up until January2010

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...