Saturday, September 26, 2009

Abundant LIfe Christian Church Children Camp 2009

News 5 2009 July and August for Adele in Taiwan!!

Sorry, I've emailed my letter to  people individually and sent it on Facebook, but forgot to add it here. I'm working on the September one.

July and August for Adele in Taiwan!!

Hi everyone.

Wow, God is good all the time.

July 1-3rd our team worked alongside the KKI Taiwan staff and helped with workshops teaching dramas.

Then on the 6th Kate, Vicky and I left for Tainan till the 17th. First we went to Yu Jing, just outside of Tainan where our first camp took place. Yu Jing is famous for its mangoes and tribe there was only recently recognized by the government.  Then we went to Tainan City (where I first taught English) to the Abundant Life Christian Church. We did three day camps in both places with You Are Special by Max Lucado as the main theme and the wordless booklet building to alter call where many has given their heart to God.  For crafts we made the color bracelet training them to reach others. 

We came back to base for two days rest and repacking getting ready for the next camp which was part of the KKI Taipei team. We had our first GATEYWAY camp in Taiwan. The training start on the July 20th and the camp on the 23rd -28th followed by outreach till the 9th August. We expected bigger numbers with all our camps initially(with previous yrs experience in mind), but then realized that more and more churches are having their own camps with less numbers, God is allowing better mentorship to take place.  That’s awesome! 

At the camp we had staff from the USA, South Africa, Singapore,, Hong Kong, UK, Argentina, Australia, Holland and Taiwan local staff and participants from 6 different Tribes in Taiwan, namely, Paiwan, Tayal, Taruku, Bunon, Puyuma and the Amis tribe where some destruction of villages were caused by the Typhoon later during outreach. Please pray for those tribes whom have lost their whole village due to the mud-slides. Rescue work is still continuing as I write this letter.

Anyway, straight after the Gateway camp we had outreach camps of 12days. Like I said we had  tight schedules and had to make time to rest, which called all to be FLEXIBLE with ourself and our team mates.

With outreach I joined the Yilan team (where the Typhoon later came) where we worked with the Hansi Church and Tayal tribe. We run a camp at and church for the children in the morning and the youth in the afternoons. The Hansi Church there also arranged a three day camp for 62 churches/teams in that area to have a basketball camp where we helped as volunteers cleaning the trash every 40minutes(that’s how long it took to go around one time and separate the trash).  After the games one evening they had arranged a time of worship and sharing where we gave opportunity for prayer and surrendering to God. It was amazing to be apart of it all.

Me, I had an asthma attack on July 30th as the weather in that part of Yilan was very humid and changed dramatically when I stepped into an air-conditioned room or outside sudden cloudy rainy weather. So, I ended up in hospital with UV & all, so, I had to take it very easy the next few days. I believe it was a forced rest for me and also taught the kids to calm down and rather help each other instead bullying and playing rough all the time.  The Typhoon came during the camp time and we had to cancel a day and half as families prepared their homes and then stay indoors. Most damage has been done south of Taiwan though, Rescue workers are still searching and helping.

We returned to base on the 10th August and had a week of rest, well, I’m still taking it easy.

My next move

I’m handing all media things over to other staff at the office as I’m preparing for the Family Ministry School (FMS) I’ve been accepted and start on September 11th- Dec 11 Lecture phase and then 7 weeks outreach in the South of Taiwan (2 weeks of that in Cambodia). I’m excited about the new season and to train to be better effective in ministry.

Please pray with me for strength, wisdom and finances for school.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yu Jing Church Summer Camp 2009

A team from our base went to the town of Yu JIng in the South of Taiwan to partner with a local church in running a 3-day English/Chinese Children's Camp. We had a great time, and God moved powerfully with many of the children making decisions to follow Jesus. We used the theme of "You Are Special" from the book by Max Lucado. What a simple but profound message, and it was a real privilege to be able to share God's heart with the children.

Yu Jing area is famous for it's huge and delicious mangoes and we definitely had our share of the juicy fruit while we were there. Yum!

May God bless the work of the church and continue to grow these young people in their walk with Him.


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...