Monday, July 13, 2009

News 4- 2009

Hi folks!


Our training has come to an end at the end May. It was an overwhelming time of teachings, reminders and new insights into why things happen the way do in YWAM. How we plan, strategize and partner with each other, churches and other organizations.

 How do we play a part in the 7 spheres of  society.

Our team has drawn closer to each other especially during team building time.

We joined the Global day of prayer  on May 31st, praying for Toayuan, They went through many different topics, then prayed. I personally felt that last years Prayer time was more effective.

 We visit the MV Doulos  on the 21st of May, praying about how to  possibly partner with ship ministries in the future. Some of our team has never been on the ship, so I (my 4th visit to the Doulos) had a blast showing them around and asked/arranged a tour to see below deck how the staff live and sacrifice comfort for the service for God.

I’moving around

I finally moved from my last house as of the end of May. I stayed with our other single ladies till I started house-sitting from May 29th till August 13th. Although I’ll be away to help run 2 Children camps in Tainan 6-17th July and then join Gateway (part of KKI) in Yilan from July 20rd -Aug 9th.

Bible Study

Some individuals has approached me at church to teach English Bible Studies, I spoke to the church and am now working alongside them with these individuals asof the beginning of June and will see if and how the church & ywam can work together in the future. Please pray for this as God might have this only for a season (while I’m still at the church, before I go to study) or He is starting ways to partner with churches.


Four of our team members went to the Call2all Congress in Hong Kong June 1-4th and had an extremely busy but exciting time getting together with ywamers, churches, pastors, business men, etc.

It amazing to see how God is using us all in the body of Christ for the great commission from all parts of the world. There are many resources available online, especially to reach the unreached who can’t read.

It makes me excited to reach and help people.

 Prayer Request/s :

Please pray for our camps, traveling safety, to see the lost saved and families restored.

Pray for wisdom.

Pray for my school fees USD $ 7000.

Pray for perseverance

 learning Chinese.

Thank you for your support!

And please do let me know what I can pray for you.




2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...