Friday, April 10, 2009

Newsletter 2 - 2009

HI friends
Please let me  know from time to time whats happening in your world and what I can pray for YOU.

If you struggle to download the file,here is the basic letter without photos and trimmings.

Dear friends

I realize that often in my communication with you, there are many things that I don’t know how to share.  I want to be honest with you about how things have really been going for me here over the last few months.  My intention is not to complain or miss-communicate anything.  I just want to be real, to let you know what’s been going on, how I’ve grown and also areas I’ve been challenged in. This will help you understand why I haven’t written until I could properly express myself.

As I look at the big picture, I see how our base is going through transitions and entering a new season. It is challenging at times, but at the same time I try to stay focused on God and His plans, to see how things will unfold. Due to all the changes, including changes in the weather, I had to take March much easier than usual. Winter was short and good, but the change to Spring has been challenging for most as the weather is unpredictable, and is still changing dramatically from hot back to cold again. I ended up with Bronchitis during March (also why you haven’t heard from me).

After my visit to South Africa last year I returned to Taiwan at the end of September to join a skeleton (minimal) staff remaining at our base.  Fono and Sose (our director) were in Samoa leading an LTS (Leadership Training School) and DTS in Samoa along with 5 other of our staff members who joined the LTS. 

During December last year, we heard from Sose that she might not be returning to Taiwan at the time we were expecting her (January).  It was a surprise to me and to the other staff, as John had made it clear that he had only committed to lead until January.  He and Polly had intended to focus on Family Ministry from that time.  Therefore, this left us with the question of who would be taking on the leadership.  Apart from John & Polly, at that time there were only 4 female staff at the base, and we began to take on more responsibility as John stepped down.  It was a challenging and busy time as the four of us managed the office, cared for a homeless man & kept our ministries going.  During that time, I was also able to bless John & Polly by staying with their boys, helping with their school work while their parents were away teaching.

In January, Sose emailed to let us know that she had prayerfully appointed a new leadership team for our base, which would consist of the 5 staff who had just finished their Leadership training. During February I managed a Korean Church outreach team with their program and stay at our base, which was  busy but also rewarding. After that I took a few days break  to seek God.  Results at end of letter.

Change of Leadership
Sose & Fono returned to Taiwan at the end of February, and shared with our staff that for the next 2 years they believe God has called them to help re-pioneer the YWAM base in Samoa, to train the staff.  So, as of March 2009, Margaret Wu (one of our local Chinese staff) is now our Base Director and another two couples on a leadership council with her.

Our yearly March staff conference was cancelled, and instead we had a General meeting, during which Fono stepped down as National Director & Sose stepped down as chairman.  Our new chairman for Taiwan was elected during the meeting. The National office has since moved to Danshui, which releases us as a base from many responsibilities and will also enable us to spend the next few months re-establishing ourselves as a base. This is our present situation.

Issues & Transition
It has been a challenging and tiring time.  At times communication has not been very clear, which has caused some uncertainty amongst us staff.  Also, one of the weaknesses I’ve seen in our base has been a culture of responding to things in a more crisis-orientated way (i.e. doing things last-minute), although some of us (me included) prefer to be prepared earlier. I am hopeful that with better training and organization that we can improve in this area.

For me staff training is very important.  At our base, the present situation is that most new staff has joined us as a direct result of having done a DTS at our base.  Upon transition into staff, there has been no further training in terms of preparation for ministry, the role of staff, etc.  When I became staff, I personally found it very hard and have also seen others struggling because of lack of understanding, experience, etc.  It is also not easy working alongside staff of different countries, cultures, personalities.  I believe it is possible and can be good, but we need training in order to understand each other better.

I trust and hope that our new leadership will begin to address some of these issues.  We are all aware that we need time to adjust and as a team will be spending the next couple of months focusing on re-establishing ourselves. For this reason, we have also cancelled our March DTS.

With this new transition, I am encouraged that we will begin to have proper training and another focus is to develop a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I desire for us to learn to live with and understand each other better as a larger team.  I have said before and now say it again that I know that no church, organization or company is perfect - there will always be room to grow and learn and I’m excited to see how things are going to change for us at our base.  I hope this gives you a more complete picture of some of the more challenging things I/we are facing, but also to show you that I am hopeful for the future.

What has God shown me during my Time with God (break-away weekend)
As evaluation for the last year:
I prayed, prepared and trained for KKI (Kings Kids International), unfortunately no camps due to date clashes with churches, who have their own camps.
I studied part-time Chinese and found it challenging, but helpful.  I need to keep learning, and plan to study more this year. I am considering whether or not to go to language school.
Our base media is more up-to-date now, but I still need to study more about web design and work on our Chinese website.

My year (2009) ahead looks like this and I have much peace with it. I need your support please.

•    More focus on Chinese and media updates, improve communications in YWAM
•    From end-May till mid-August I’m House-sitting for friends, & plan to focus on studying Chinese.
•    FMS Sept - Dec 09 lecture phase, then outreach phase 7 weeks.  Approx. $3000 US   Dollars in total.
•    Jan 2010–March: back at the Taoyuan base till
•    March-Dec 2010 SBS (School of Biblical Studies) 9 months.  Approx. USD$4000 (incl. food)

        Prayer Request/s:

Please pray for our 50 days of Prayer, Worship and Staff
      Training - that the Holy Spirit will move amongst us
      and take us to a higher level in HIM.
Pray for our leadership transition & for wisdom.
Pray for our base and staff finances.
Pray for my school fees USD$7000
Pray for perseverance learning Chinese

Thank you for your support!


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...