Sunday, November 23, 2008


A friend sent me this  in a big red box full of goodies and I really wanted to share this story with you..


Do you enjoy a good cup of coffee? While I don't really enjoy the taste of coffee, I do enjoy smelling the coffee beans and aromas of coffee as they are brewing. Do you have a favourite 'coffee' cup that is yours? Yesterday in worship, one of the pastors shared the following story. I wanted to share it with you and get you thinking...

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, "If you noticed,all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink,. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups...and then you began eyeing each others cups."

"Now consider this: Life is the coffee, the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. they are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, noe change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee."

I was really challenged by this very simple story that holds such truth. I am a "cup" holding the eternal "life" of Christ in me. Have I become so concerned with the appearance of my "cup" that those around me don't know what I am holding? Does my "cup" have a lid on it that prevents the "aroma of Christ" from escaping and filling the air around me? Is my "cup" so insulated that others cannot feel the warmth of Christ's love?

Father, please forgive me when my concern with appearance hides You from others. Please forgive when I fail to share Christ, but instead,put a "lid' on my faith and keep it to myself . Father, please help me to be a see-through plastic cup so that others will see You in me, smell Your aroma in my life, and feel the warmth of Your love through me.



Saturday, November 22, 2008

Manyueyuan National Forest Nov 15th 2008

We took pictures, walk through this mountain famous for Its name, meaning "full-moon round," is a reference to its domed peak. Listening to the water gushing, expecially at the big waterfall.

I was proud of myself practicing shot with my new camera, about the speed and appeture etc. I'm excited to learn more.

Follow this link for more information:

Enjoy nature and take of it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas in Taiwan

Christmas in Taiwan

Since Taiwan is primarily a Buddhist nation, Christmas day is only a commercially festive holiday here, a day all about gifts. Regrettably, to most it’s just another day, with nothing special attached to it. At schools they teach about Santa Clause and gifts, have Christmas parties where the kids dance and sing, and gifts are prepared for them.  

Sadly, it is the about the only opportunity for foreign Christian teachers to share about Jesus and the real meaning about Christmas, His birth and salvation. However foreigners are not easily granted a holiday on December 25th. So things are tough here in the Chinese territories for Christians, but not impossible, and we do serve a Great God!

Big cities decorate the streets and shopping malls well in advance, from as early as October in some cases, but the smaller towns don’t bother much. This year, seeing the economy being down and slow, I haven’t seen much decorating in Taoyuan at all and we’re in the last week of November.

The bigger cities like Taipei , Tainan and Kaohsiung have more happening at this time. People are intrigued by Christmas but not easily persuaded to join in the real reason for the festivities.

The Chinese New Year is the equivalent of Christmas in Taiwan and the biggest holiday of the year when many will take time off work and travel a bit. For this holiday there are generally fireworks and parties everywhere.

It’s not all gloom and doom. Some Churches do celebrate Christmas, some churches focus on giving gifts & caroling, others focus on Jesus birth, and testimonies. Some church youth groups or individual Christians focus on the great opportunity for evangelistic outreaches in schools. It’s not as though Christianity is disallowed or squashed. We need MORE people from The Lighthouse out here!!

In Tainan in 2004 I recall driving around a government circle and seeing every building decorated with flashing lights. In the same year some of my church  members got together with our foreign group and went to Sun Moon Lake where we had relaxed walks, some good time for sharing testimonies and the gospel. Dinner together and swapping gifts were last on the list that year. In 2005 the dynamics of our group changed and I just went to church where we spent time in worship, with a message by candle light.

Since I moved to Taoyuan I haven’t seen much in the way of decorations at all; except of course at our base and my church where last year we had a great time of worship and caroling. The choir sang and there were a few who gave their testimonies, testifying as to how God has touched and changed their lives, after which our pastor then shared the message. Families then went to their homes and shared gifts. But, as I’ve said, for most of Taiwan Christmas is all about Santa Clause and gifts or nothing at all.

Christmas is being seen more and more as merely a western holiday, with hardly any remembering Jesus’ birth. It’s up to the foreigners and believers in Taiwan to make it a special day. We need your prayer support please…as the mission possible continues…



Christmas 2004

Here you can see the Christmas lights in Tainan before we (The foreign cell group from church at the time) left for Sun Moon Lake.
We enjoyed the open clean air away from the city rush and noise.
Got up early for sunrise worship and breakfast.
Some, hiking, sightseeing, a nap for some.
Then sightseeing, a lovely dinner, fellowship and sharing gifts.
It was a great time of sharing time together, we made it home away from home.
Thanks to all for a great time.

Christmas and commissioning 2006

During Christmas time 2006 I was commissioned with the rest of my DTS team to go on outreach. We did some of the skits and dances learned during lecture phase for first time.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Newsletter Vol 6 – 2008 Bye-bye 2008!

Hi everyone


October has gone by fast. I’ve taken some time to settle back in at the office, catching up with old friends and continuously went for physical therapy as the blood circulation to my left arm was not doing well after landing back in Taiwan, but all is improving and doing much better now. I’m getting excited as I’m seeking God more and finding more opportunities to share my passion for God, sharing His love with others. Someone share the Father’s love letter with me and it really touched my heart. Have a look at:


I had a great day when we had our YWAM Family day on October 27th, where both YWAM bases in Taiwan got together for worship, games and quality time with each other in Yehliu which is famous for its rock formations.  View my pics or here


Then Franklin Graham where here for a few days in Taipei. I joined the Nov 1st Saturday evening youth event, which was packed and my colleague and I shared with a couple I met on the train that afternoon after the alter call. The lady is already a believer and church goer, but the boyfriend is visiting with her from time to time and only believes in himself. It was interesting hearing his view and sharing about God. You can pray for him. Thousands others went to the front for the alter call. The pictures are on my site.


Winter is finally here, heating pad, long johns and slipper here we come. I’m impressed; I’ve managed to make my own beanbag with help from one of my Chinese friends of course and her sowing machine.


As I look back over 2008, I sing praises in my heart for God has been good to me.

  • I was blessed with a place to stay in, rent-free till mid 2009, it was furnished within a week, a year ago.
  • I got my scooter license and received a scooter allowing me to explore more of Taoyuan and further.
  • I’m alive, meeting new friends and building relationships.
  • I had the opportunity to visit South Africa, see family, church family and friends.  I’ve started adding pics to my blog site.
  • I’ve learnt to live and relax with other culture groups and I’m still learning not to stress about certain little things, but just take my responsibility and not others upon myself.

I treasure every moment serving others, learning more about web designing, computers and time with the young folk.


Goals for 2009

  • Quality quiet with God, growing deeper in HIm.
  • Seeing others meeting God and experiencing Him in a real way.
  • Getting my pics onto my site, of all my traveling and sightseeing in Taiwan and South Africa.

There is obviously more goals that I just can’t put into sentences right now.



It is nearly Christmas. We are preparing programs to share at schools and churches during December. Unfortunately I can’t dance, however I do help participating with skits, and by taking care of the music, photos. Please pray for these events.


I want to say Merry Christmas or shall I say Happy Birthday Jesus as we all remember this special day.  I trust that you’ll have a great joyous day. That we’ll remember the real meaning of Christmas --- Jesus Christ!!!  

Happy New Year for 2009, please enjoy the festive season, but be careful during this festive season traveling, partying etc.


My Wish -list for those who might feel like sending a mystery box from time to time, can send it to:


  • Mieliemeel,
  • Nick Nacks chips (cheese)
  • Aero chocolate (caramel, peppermint or chocolate flavor)
  • Rooibos tea
  • Bar-one
  • Small tin of Ricoffee will keep a long time.

Whatever you think would surprise me.


Those who want to catch up on the Global YWAM Prayer Day can follow this link.

It links you to the letters, resources and results of the Prayer days.


So then, Goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009!!!





Thank you!!!   I do not know who has been financially supporting me thus far. It has been anonymous, but I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to cover all my cost of living here. My budget is updated for you to see my needs. If God leads you in your heart to become a partner for His work in this ministry, please feel free to contact me or unanimously deposit it in my account below.  May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again. Amen!


Love to all in Christ Jesus.


Adele Liebich


Prayer Request/s (Please):


*Please pray for the visa offices. Praise Him for God’s favor and easier processing. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for the Taiwanese missionaries sent out from Taiwan.

*Please pray our  base and staff  finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness. For His awesome Provision for future needs like: food, finances, support.

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*Give thanks for enjoying  the training in media and learning new programs.

*Part time learning Chinese language.


Update on finances:


God knows

Monthly costs:


My place is rent free till July 2009. Hallelujah!!!

Gas                for shower etc                                       600NT

Electricity and water                                      700NT

Food                                                               4000NT

Petrol                                                             2000NT

Medical aid                                                 1318NT

Telephone and internet together              1000NT

Staff fees (saving for next conference)     500NT

Cell phone                                                      500NT

International phone cards                           600NT

     Totals  11218NT divide R4 =R 2  804.50.



To those who’ve supported me this far!

Thank you for your Encouragement, finances & Prayer – GOD BLESS YOU Abundantly!!


Newsletter Vol 6 – 2008 Bye-bye 2008!

Hi everyone


October has gone by fast. I’ve taken some time to settle back in at the office, catching up with old friends and continuously went for physical therapy as the blood circulation to my left arm was not doing well after landing back in Taiwan, but all is improving and doing much better now. I’m getting excited as I’m seeking God more and finding more opportunities to share my passion for God, sharing His love with others. Someone share the Father’s love letter with me and it really touched my heart. Have a look at:


I had a great day when we had our YWAM Family day on October 27th, where both YWAM bases in Taiwan got together for worship, games and quality time with each other in Yehliu which is famous for its rock formations.  View my pics or here


Then Franklin Graham where here for a few days in Taipei. I joined the Nov 1st Saturday evening youth event, which was packed and shared with people I met on the train after the alter call. Thousands went to the front after the alter call. The pictures are on my site.


Winter is finally here, heating pad, long johns and slipper here we come. I’m impressed; I’ve managed to make my own beanbag with help from one of my Chinese friends of course and her sowing machine.


As I look back over 2008, I sing praises in my heart for God has been good to me.

  • I was blessed with a place to stay in, rent-free till mid 2009, it was furnished within a week, a year ago.
  • I got my scooter license and received a scooter allowing me to explore more of Taoyuan and further.
  • I’m alive, meeting new friends and building relationships.
  • I had the opportunity to visit South Africa, see family, church family and friends.  I’ve started adding pics to my blog site.
  • I’ve learnt to live and relax with other culture groups and I’m still learning not to stress about certain little things, but just take my responsibility and not others upon myself.

I treasure every moment serving others, learning more about web designing, computers and time with the young folk.


Goals for 2009

  • Quality quiet with God, growing deeper in HIm.
  • Seeing others meeting God and experiencing Him in a real way.
  • Getting my pics onto my site, of all my traveling and sightseeing in Taiwan and South Africa.

There is obviously more goals that I just can’t put into sentences right now.



It is nearly Christmas. We are preparing programs to share at schools and churches during December. Unfortunately I can’t dance, however I do help participating with skits, and by taking care of the music, photos. Please pray for these events.


I want to say Merry Christmas or shall I say Happy Birthday Jesus as we all remember this special day.  I trust that you’ll have a great joyous day. That we’ll remember the real meaning of Christmas --- Jesus Christ!!!  

Happy New Year for 2009, please enjoy the festive season, but be careful during this festive season traveling, partying etc.


My Wish -list for those who might feel like sending a mystery box from time to time, can send it to: PO BOX 149 ,TAOYUAN 330, TAIWAN, R.O.C

  • Mieliemeel,
  • Nick Nacks chips (cheese)
  • Aero chocolate (caramel, peppermint or chocolate flavor)
  • Rooibos tea
  • Bar-one
  • Small tin of Ricoffee will keep a long time.

Whatever you think would surprise me.


Those who want to catch up on the Global YWAM Prayer Day can follow this link.

It links you to the letters, resources and results of the Prayer days.


So then, Goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009!!!



Blessings to everyone.





Thank you!!!   I do not know who has been financially supporting me thus far. It has been anonymous, but I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to cover all my cost of living here. My budget is updated for you to see my needs. If God leads you in your heart to become a partner for His work in this ministry, please feel free to contact me or unanimously deposit it in my account below.  May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again. Amen!


Love to all in Christ Jesus.


Adele Liebich


Prayer Request/s (Please):


*Please pray for the visa offices. Praise Him for God’s favor and easier processing. 

*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for the Taiwanese missionaries sent out from Taiwan.

*Please pray our  base and staff  finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness. For His awesome Provision for future needs like: food, finances, support.

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*Give thanks for enjoying  the training in media and learning new programs.

*Part time learning Chinese language.


I Challenge You…


1.To come visit us at YWAM Taoyuan and see how we live and share with others.

2.To Support me in Missions through

      Prayer & Finances

3.To live on the Edge- Come & do your DTS!! (Discipleship Training School). Its only 5 months.


Isaiah 6:8

 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"



Update on finances:


God knows

Monthly costs:


My place is rent free till July 2009. Hallelujah!!!

Gas                for shower etc                         600NT

Electricity and water                                      700NT

Food                                                               4000NT

Petrol                                                             2000NT

Medical aid                                                   1318NT

Telephone and internet together              1000NT

Staff fees (saving for next conference)       500NT

Cell phone                                                       500NT

International phone cards                            600NT

     Totals  11218NT divide R4 =R 2  804.50.



To those who’ve supported me this far!

Thank you for your Encouragement, finances & Prayer – GOD BLESS YOU Abundantly!!




Sunday, November 9, 2008

African Gray parrot

Just some his moves, styles and sounds of this big proud bird.

Dikhololo Resort - South Africa 2008

I went with some of my friends to the Dikhololo Resort during my holiday in South Africa during July and August 2008.

Here are some pics of how my friends and I enjoyed the Resort and the animals to be seen there. These animals are not dangerous, so you can freely go for a walk during the day. Take pictures, view and learn about the animals, enjoyed listening to birds, peacefully singing and slow pace of nature.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Singer at Franklin Graham sharing in Taiwan

Franklin Graham in Taiwan, there were lots of songs, program before Franklin shared about the son that returned to his father. It was a great evening with great outcome.
Praise to God.

Franklin Graham in Taiwan

Franklin shared at the C.K.S Memorial, and last night was focused on the youth, the place was filled with people and at the end there was an alter call where many has come foward to accept Jesus as their saviour, to start a new life.
I met new friends and saw old friends. It was a great evening in Taiwan.

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...