Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sight & events in South Africa part 1

Visit to South Africa 2008
These are some of the places and sights I visitd while I went to South Africa during July to September 2008.
Here is a siteto see more about Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Newsletter Vol 5- 2008

Hi everyone

 WOW!!!  It is autumn time!!

Praise God!! He is good all the time.  Wow, time flies by soo quickly. Here is a recap on July through September. I WAS HOME, LOVELY SOUTH AFRICA. Sorry, due to very slow internet back home I did not   go it as frequently as I would in Taiwan.

In July I taught at the first English Camp and congratulations to Owen and Jeannie on the birth of their lovely little girl, Melody.  Then I went to South Africa, JHB (Johannesburg) was the first stop-over at my brothers, where I renewed my driver’s license, got some rest, met up with old friends and attended my friends wedding. It was great having my brother with me and me playing on his nerves (kidding). I slept most of the first week due to red dried out eyes due to long flight, but recovered quickly and enjoyed the rest. The rest was goooooodd!

Then I flew down to PE (Port Elizabeth), I met the new extended members of the family and grandma on the first weekend and had opportunity to share at more places than I thought of sharing at (good unexpected moments). I shared at a school and two other churches as well as my home church “Lighthouse Family Church” where it was great to meet old and new folk and be surprised in many ways. I’m excited to see some of you visit me next year. It shown me God’s favor and blessing on the things we do. It was great catching up with everyone, there was a few people I couldn’t see for a second time during this visit unfortunately and others I couldn’t get hold of. The important thing is those special times with those I could catch up with.

I want to thank all for making my time back home special and thanks to those who could join me on the open-night (/birthday) on September 12th, from 6pm we had a BBQ, sharing photo’s and of course the cake thanks to Roxy. 

Things I’ll miss about South Africa:

Prayer or worship time at church, meeting new members, family, driving mom around, special moments with friends,

vetkoek and roosterkook (bread made by fire).

A Wish -list for those who might feel like sending a mystery box from time to time, can add either:

Nick Nacks chips (cheese)

Aero chocolate (caramel, peppermint or chocolate flavor)

Rooibos tea


Small tin of Ricoffee will keep a long time.

I flew back on the 28th of September during a typhoon time where I found my next flight delayed from Bangkok to Taiwan. Relaxingly waiting for information, we suddenly had to run within 10minutes from the one side of the airport to the other to reach a different airline only to find myself out of breath while waiting for a boarding pass. Once on the plane I was sleeping like a baby. Upon arrival in Taiwan I waited for my luggage which where on the next incoming flight.  My team gave me grace for one week to slowly get back into things, observing changes, getting over jetlag, etc.

Now, my ARC will not expire as I came back in time and got it renewed yesterday. I’m missing most of our staff that is doing their LTS (Leadership Training School) in Samoa. I’m back in the office to check the computers at work, and learn some more Chinese with colleagues in the office and its good seeing my friends back in Taiwan. I’m still going for physical therapy as my shoulder still hurts and my blood circulation in left arm is not good at times.

I want to say Happy Birthday all I missed in July, August and September. I trust you had a great joyful day.

Sorry to those who lost loved ones, appreciating the good times!

Those who want to catch up on the Global YWAM Prayer Day can follow this link. It links you to the letters, resources and results of the Prayer days.

I’ll add photo’s of my visit as soon as I can to

Blessings to everyone.



2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...