Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Newsletter Vol 4 - 2008

Hi everyone                                                                                                                            



Things are well, thank you. Spring or shall I say summer is here.


Praise God!! He is good all the time.  Wow, time flies by when you’re busy and enjoying the things you do. Let me try to fill in May and June. Most of May was Preparations for camps, a wedding, and while checking the computers at work, my personal laptop had to be reinstalled due to a virus.

In May I realized that my old rotator cuff and whiplash injuries started reoccurring, partially due to the fact that I’ve been either sitting  behind a computer or teaching someone or studying and didn’t realize how it affected my back. I knew I was preparing myself for lots more sitting than before, so I went with my friend and translator from church to see a doctor who diagnosed rotator cuff and facet joint syndrome in my neck. I have been going for physical therapy since (most of June). I use that time as Chinese practice as well, that way I’m killing 2 birds with one stone. For me personally, it was encouraging as I'm learning the language more now and meeting more people it surely is exciting to share the gospel. I want to do it more.

Two of our staff got married on the 14th June, the next week I was helping with our DTS School preparing for outreach and here we are the door of July.

July, we sadly had to cancel the KKI camp due to lack of enough registrations, I personally think the dates are clashing as more and more churches are organizing their own camps, however we still have the 2 English Camps running and since there’s a shortage of staff, I’ll be helping (teaching) there instead, one the leaders are expecting baby’s arrival any day now. As some of you would know often in YWAM things change very suddenly the last minute. That’s why we learn to be so flexible.


Now, good news for some of you, I need to renew my driver’s license back home and since I haven’t been home since January 2006, I’ll be going to South Africa and return end of September before my ARC expires (needs to be renewed October) and most our staff will be going to the LTS (Leadership Training School) in Samoa or traveling.


I’ll be able to help and attend my friends wedding in Johannesburg (JHB) and then fly down to PE (Port Elizabeth), I’ll be daily available for visits and hope to spend my evenings with my parents for August and September. I’ll be returning to JHB on September 25th and then fly out on 28th to Taiwan.  My number in South Africa will be 076 232 7278, I want to invite all who cannot see me during the day to an open night (/birthday) on September 12th, from 7pm till whatever time in the morning you wanna catch up, see pics, hear stories etc. Bring en braai (BBQ night). Sms me!!!!! Call me!!!!!


Thank you!!!   I do not know who has been financially supporting me thus far. It has been anonymous, but I would like to use this opportunity to say Thank you. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to cover all my cost of living here. My budget is updated for you to see my  needs. If God leads you in your heart to become a partner for His work in this ministry, please feel free to contact me or unanimously deposit it in my account below.  May God use you and lead you in his perfect plan and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you once again. Amen!


Prayer Request/s (Please):


*Pray that His Spirit would move among us in such a way that the city of Taoyuan would get hungry for God.

*Pray for Linda who will be sent out from our base to Cambodia.

*Please pray for Missionaries and their finances.

*Give thanks for God’s faithfulness. For His awesome Provision for future needs like: food, finances, support.

*Pray for more regular supporters

*For divine appointments with God and the people He wants me to speak to.

*To enjoy the training in media and learning new programs.

*Please pray for the Alpha courses that we are running.

*Part time learning Chinese language.

God is faithful.     Blessings to you all.


Love to all in Christ Jesus.


Adele Liebich



2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...