Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Who is I Am

I Am

While praying one day, a woman asked, “who are you, Lord?”


He answered “I Am”

But who is I Am? She asked


And He replied


I Am love

I Am Peace

I Am Grace

I Am Joy

I Am the way, the Truth and the Light,

I Am the Comforter

I Am Strength

I Am Safety

I Am Shelter

I Am Power

I Am Creator

I Am the beginning and the End

I Am the Most High


The lady with tears in her eyes looked toward Heaven and said, “Now I understand, but Lord, who am I?”


Then God tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered “You are Mine”


Monday, October 29, 2007

Base Day 22/10/07


Wow, It was the first time after the Taiwan Staff Conference that we got together with the Taipei base again and just chilled, caught up with each other, shared lunch and then the fun & games began.

I unfortunately ran myself out of breath with the soccer games and took the rest easy.  It was awesome to take such a break. Check out the pics at the following link. I'm the one pointing at all the stickies on my face and orange T-Shirt.





Saturday, October 20, 2007

UofN Workshop September 3-9th,07

These are just a few pics our workshop. Go to for more pics, the audio plenary sessions and video's. It was a great time where God sharpened our vision and praising God together for all He's done in Asia.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Newsletter Vol 6 - 2007

Here is an update of July up to now. It's been so hectic, that when the business calm down you just want to fall asleep.

God has been amazing though in preparation, provision and GRACE.  I praise God that He is our only strength when we are weak.Amen.

Love all of yall. Blessings.


2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...