Thursday, May 24, 2007

Global Prayer Day 27th May

On 15 May 2005 millions of Christians from 156 nations in the world united in the first ever Global Day of Prayer. Christians gathered in different venues, seeking God's face in repentance and prayer for the transformation of their communities and nations.

Driven by Hab. 2:14 ("For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea"), the dream is to mobilize Christians from every single nation in the world to participate in the Global Day of Prayer over the next few years until 2010. However, the focus is not only on a single day of prayer, but to see a lifestyle of prayer established that will transform communities.

On Pentecost Sunday, 4 June 2006, an even greater number of Christians from 199 nations joined this mighty move of God.

On Pentecost Sunday, 27 May 2007, the nations of the world will once again unite in the Global Day of Prayer.

Here are some things to pray for as pastors and leadership are preparing and fasting for the big day.

The prayer meeting should be held in a neutral venue and be accessible to the whole community. The venue could be anything from a sport stadium, school sports grounds, open land, auditorium, tent, prayer house, town hall, church building, etc.

Cities and densely populated areas can host several Day of Repentance and Prayer events at the same time, instead of one major event. This will simplify logistical arrangements, keep costs down and help to get buy-in from the local communities.  

Pray for the venue for the Day of Repentance and Prayer, also keep in mind the weather, start/finish time of the event, availability of public transport, number of people expecting, etc.

Pray for good sound system. 

Here just some do's and don'ts to keep in mind and pray along.


o    The Lord Jesus Christ, and Him alone must be lifted high.
o    The focus of the day is Repentance and Prayer.
o    Speeches & messages should be kept to a minimum.
o    Titles of those participating/leading from the stage are irrelevant.
o    No great names should be promoted or used to draw people.
o    The process must be Non-denominational, Non-racial and Non-political.
o    The Organising Committee should be representative of the community.
o    “Middle of the Road” songs, choirs, bands, etc. should be used in the program. Try to accommodate as many denominations, churches and communities as possible.
o    Invite the community/political leaders to the event, but without a platform to address the crowd. 
o    Positioning of the stage is important (sun, speaker visibility).
o    Have a Plan B ready (in case of rain and/or strong wind, etc.) 
o    Always strive towards excellence
-    Program content
-    Sound system
-    Time keeping

o    No political speeches.
o    No marketing of individual ministries.
o    No selling of CD’s of performing artists.
o    No non-Christian activities.

Let's all stand together.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

MAMA presented by the Mission Extreme Team of YWAM Taoyuan.
Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there. We as children appreciate your love and affection in our lives.
God bless you.

2013 update

Hi everyone Just a quick update,  time flies by soo quickly. Its 2013 already, and I've been studying hard on the Photography course...